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How do you know if a girl likes you??

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well a girl cant like you if she doesnt know you thats the first thing. If she smiles at you from a distance and makes eye contact for more than three seconds then she is interested in you. Talk to the girl and let her get a chance to know your personality while you do the same. Then if you two are compatible then go from there

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A girl can like you without talking to you.. I think.

To be honest, from my life expeirance, and looking for things, I have come to the conclusion, that it is possible a girl finds you attractive, but unless she thinks she has a chance, or really likes you, or is open or whatever, she wont display these signs so easily. I know in my case a fair few girls don't even try with me, and give up without me even knowing. I know this because like when friends that are girls have told me before that i'm out of their league, im usually shocked, as they showed none of the signs. So its kind of hard to tell. However, if they display the following signs, they either like you, or are flirts:

Body language - ie openess, turning body towards you, copying your movements etc. Theres lots of info on here on many different posts.

Eye contact - ie look into your eyes alot, or looking at you at a distance (ie accross the room). Thing is, if they are shy they will either look down or away at 45 degrees.

Being near you - ie when they just have to lean over you to pick up that paper or something, or they stand uncomfortably close.

Getting your attention - ie wlaking infront of you alot etc

Flirting verbally with you - ie complimenting you, joking etc

And most importantly a general feeling. Subconsciously, you should be able to detect if they like you.

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well i tend to flirt alot without noticing it and i think either she doesnt like me at all or she thinks i like her friend because i flirt with her friend alot.. and when im around talking to her friend she tends to walk away and not even look at me but i think a few days ago i caught her looking at me from a distance and im getting alot of mixed signs

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dude, I've learned some things over my lifetime. Ya just gotta go up to her and be like "hey", and then ask her if she's busy this weekend" if she says she is just be like "iight, maybe some other weekend we could go see a movie (insert ofer event there)", and if she says nothing, then ask "You wanna do something with me, maybebe go see a movie?" there ya go. And if she says no, try to see beyond her answer. If its a ligit excuse then try again. but if you can tell by the way she answers or what shes doing/say/body language, then maybe lay off a bit, the ball would be in her court.

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Do girls like a quite guy or somoene who talks alot and is loud?



I bet some of them do... But I think that even fewer of them like quiet guys. I guess the guys that could really attract girls are the ones that are physically attractive to them and are not quiet but confident, but not overconfident... That's just what I think... But I'm neither of those, lol. That's my luck...

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