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Just got hired...big deal, or am I blowing my fears out of proportion?

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On Monday, I was offered (and accepted) my DREAM job. It's a really, really big deal to me that I got it.


When I applied for the job, I'd been married for about a day and I used my maiden name since my name wasn't yet legally changed. Since then, over a month has passed and I've had three interviews. My name is now legally different than the name I had when I applied.


Yesterday, my new boss emailed me at my personal email to let me know she'd had their tech guy (who works at an outside company) set up my company email and network login, which is just the first letter of my first name and my entire last name. She had used my maiden name. Since I had only accepted the job and my start date isn't for two weeks, I hadn't even thought to inform her of the name change yet. I responded to her email and let her know the email that had been set up was incorrect, and I apologized for the extra work I caused by having to have it corrected.


I still haven't heard back from her and I'm starting to worry I made her mad--like, that she sees this as a huge communication flaw. My husband thinks I'm blowing my fears out of proportion, but I can't help but feel like I really screwed up.


So, for those of you who have been in or are in managerial positions...what are your thoughts? How would you react if you were in my new boss's position?

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I think you shouldn't worry so much. You had just recently changed your legal name and your new boss couldn't have known that. If you explained it to them in your email then I'm sure they won't think it's a big deal to change it.


It's only been a day. Your new boss could be busy, in meetings, sick, or 1000 other things that don't have anything to do with your email.


Try to relax. I'm a manager and something like this wouldn't even raise an eyebrow.

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Congratulations on landing your dream job! I have a tendency to worry about everything, even when things are going really well, so I can understand why you might feel this way, but I seriously doubt it is a big deal. I think you're fine. I would imagine that this is a common thing with women who get married because there are a bunch of people and entities you need to inform when you change your name. I wouldn't be surprised if women often forget to tell their employers right away. I hope that you have had a chance to celebrate!

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