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Ive posted before about being cheated on and completely deceived. My feelings are so up and down but I recently found out the girl he cheated with got back with him. I'm so sick over this. I never felt so alone. I know he is nothing but scum and she will most likely regret continuing to be with him but I'm the one over here devastated. He was so cold to me, didn't ( doesn't) even care. I hate to be annoying and repetitive but I am in so much emotional pain right now that it's making me physically sick. I feel desperate for help. I guess writing here helps a little.

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I am very sorry to hear about the pain you are going through, I have been recently going through similar issues but not to the point that you have. But I do know what it is like to cry in the middle of the day for no reason and to just want to be alone. I hate to say being alone is probably the worst thing that you can do right now. Go out and meet new people and don't give into him to be honest don't even talk to him. I would suggest you erase him out of your life completely he is not good for you! You are worth so much more than to go through this sort of pain especially since you are becoming physically sick over it! The fact that he cheated proves he is not a man and the two of them belong together, you deserve someone who will care for you and not be looking for something else. We are all here for you so don't ever feel repetitive or annoying, I do with my friends that why I signed up for here because I know the feeling of pain and hurt. But there is someone that is worth your time out there and trust me it isn't him!

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You can never, NEVER allow the actions of someone else to define you or your self worth...not EVER.

His actions are soley his; they lay at his feet, on his conscious, not yours....you did not force him to cheat, drive him to it, or are the reason in any way shape or form for it happening.

Cheating is a CHOICE - it is never an accident.....people may make the argument about it being a mistake, and I agree that we all make them....but cheaters are on a different level in my book.


A cheater has a broken moral compass; anyone that willingly accepts this behavior and choses to be with them, destroying another person's hopes and dreams in the process, also has their own inner issues to work out.


Let them have each other; let the liars and cheaters join forces, mixing their issues into a toxic cocktail that will poison the "relationship" they are in until it drives them apart and into the arms of other people, repeating their patterns with new, unsuspecting "hosts".


"Hosts".....I used that term for the poor souls that will get tangled up with a cheater....because to me, a cheater is a parasite....and when the current "host" is all used up...that parasite moves on, and on, and so it goes, and always will.


Rise above this....and them together.


In time, you will see that this cheating and him leaving you actually did you a favor....it freed you from a R/S that would have only served to cause you more pain than anything else in the long run.


You dont want to hear this now, or acknowledge it because of where your head is, but.....you are well rid of him....in due time this will become clear.

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About half a year but in that time I really fell for him. I've never been cheated on and never felt so betrayed. Just the way it all happened and I found out was horrible. The fact that he was so cold and I had no closure kills me.


I know your pain my dear.. samething happened to me. 5yrs and then one day he walked away without telling a thing, ignored my calls for months.. i did find out few months later he left me to be with someone else which hes still with her. This happened 1 year ago and it does still haunt me ! betrayel, cheating, and replacing you is a very hard ! but time has been my only friend ! hang in there !

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I know you're in emotional pain but bullet dodged. BULLET DODGED. Keep saying that to yourself and the pain will pass eventually. Feel sorry for him. He'll never have the emotional maturity to be in a fufilling, honest relationship. You on the other hand have good things ahead for you xo

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You know it's honestly weird but nice to see men writing about their feelings and emotions, I've only seem to come accross men who do NOT know how to communicate what so ever. It really is such a huge deal in a relationship. I'm already feeling better even though I'm sure I will have plenty of ups and downs in dealing with this. I just keep telling myself I definitely dodged a bullet with this one. I'm almost 25, still young and I'm learning as I go. I'm glad you're doing good though, you're a strong guy especially since you can share all those feelings.

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You know it's honestly weird but nice to see men writing about their feelings and emotions, I've only seem to come accross men who do NOT know how to communicate what so ever. It really is such a huge deal in a relationship. I'm already feeling better even though I'm sure I will have plenty of ups and downs in dealing with this. I just keep telling myself I definitely dodged a bullet with this one. I'm almost 25, still young and I'm learning as I go. I'm glad you're doing good though, you're a strong guy especially since you can share all those feelings.


well thank you very much, means alot to me. glad you're feeling better as of late.

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