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I blocked them all. It's time to live for myself.

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I'm not very strong when the talk is about checking my exe's profiles. More than half year passed and I still can't stop doing that, knowing that I will never get back together with any of them or knowing that they have new crush objects in their life. Today I've done it for one and the last time. I was looking at the search window and thinking "Oh, wow, I almost forgot his name!" I could barely remember it but however, I checked his profile and got knocked. Only 1 month passed since he dumped me and here's the photo - him driving on his sportbike in the rain with some cute chic (naked legs, mini shorts, big boobs). My reaction was "Oh, you b...!" I finally understood how checking someone's profile crushes my self-esteem and doesn't help heeling at all. It's like a bullet or a pill which starts everything from the very beginning.


No more pain. I hate him. I hate them all who dumped me. It was the last drop of my patience. I went to every of my exe's profile and blocked them all forever. And then I felt better - like everything became under my control again. I never contacted them and I wouldn't like to get any of their message. The last page of their story is closed. There's no way of return. It's time to live for myself and meet someone new.

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I don't date. Guys invite me several times a month for a cup of coffee and I don't go. If I finally decide to give my contacts to any guy, then I start as a friend. If he tries something more, I kick him back to the "friend" zone till I am ready. I think that's fair for myself.

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