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Why can't my g/f orgasm?


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Ok... I really need some help.

My girlfriend is having some trouble. She can't orgasm. She says that everytime she gets close it just... goes away. She's never had one. She gets really frustrated and keeps trying/has me keep trying but it eventually just ends up hurting her. What's going on? Do any other girls out there have this problem? What can I do? I love her and just want to make her feel as good as she makes me feel. Any suggestions?

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Well, as far as I can tell, girls don't have the ability to just squeeze one out ASAP like most guys can, and if she is "really frustrated" and trying to have one, that could keep her from having one. She needs to be as relaxed as possible. Also, Ive heard that the first few times a woman orgasms, it feels like she has to pee really bad, so they try to keep it from happening. And Ive heard this mentioned before on enotalone, but orgasm shouldnt be the goal of your sexual escapades. It should be to close as possible as you can to your lover, and to create as much pleasure as possible for them. And trust me, you can have lots of pleasure w/o orgasm.

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Hey calm down. A lot of women go through this it's normal. The main thing she must do is relax and enjoy the sex. It wont come if she tries to make it. For you what you can do is make things as romantic as possible.

You have to touch a woman on an emotional level. Plus try different possitions and maybe role playing that's always fun. Also practice safe sex. Good Luck

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Well most women arent able to have orgasms from sexual intercourse (penetration). Then what you need to do is try clitoral stimulation, no girls have different tastes and preferences as to what they like. Do your research and have fun with it. One good resource is link removed, however there are numerous others just do a google search. It would also help out if your gf knew how to get herself off that way she would already know what she likes then she could help you out.

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