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do i confront or let it go?


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i introduced someone i am dating to a friend of 25 years, who very recently i had a spat with. i apologized and even sent her some gifts with it, counting the good more than the bad, which is what friendships are all about anyway.


before we left, my friend made a comment - please take care of my friend, she is a very hard one to keep, and goodluck too (very sarcastically). she obviously has not gotten past the spat, but was this necessary?


i do not know what to do anymore. she kinda hit a nerve right there. i do want to be with this person for long. now i think i made a bad impression.

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Please chill and let this go. You can explain the back story to your date and say that she is a bit of a drama queen. I am sure your date will take your word over a snide remark. Give the date some credit. They can understand that sometimes unfortunate comments are made. But water off the back of a duck.... do not energize this beyond what it was. Why are you introducing someone to a person who is still holding a grudge against you? In the early days of dating, you want to a little more selective.

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You might want to tell your date about what happened with your friend, in order for him to understand why your friend made that sarcastic remark; which I agree was unneccessary. (What was the spat about? It must've been severe for your friend to hold a grudge like that.)


I just asserted my rights over an issue which hit a raw nerve, I guess. She didn't expect it.

I am quite hurt with this remark of hers actually, although the date didn't pursue the subject. Yes, I'll try my best to let it go, in the meantime I will have to live without this friend until she calms down. Seems she is in the attack mode.

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