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So after a month post breakup i think ive finally managed to start NC. Whats weird is, it was difficult to make her STOP contacting me. After about a few days of begging and trying everything I can to get her to take me back, I just stopped texting her first. She then started texting me like every other day and some days back to back, for like a month! just stuff detailing how much she misses me and cares about me.. which tricked me a number of times to thinking maybe she thinks she made a mistake and maybe wants me back..nope. a couple weeks ago we even met up for coffee, and then a couple days later we went to chipotle and she was all like "it was so nice seeing you"... no kissing, no nothing.. just laughing and hugging.


About a week ago our conversation went like.. "i miss you, i will always have some kind of love for you and you will always be special to me" i replied with "Good luck in college and i hope you find your dream guy, you deserve to be happy and have the best. goodbye." her: "that will never happen, and i realize that now. I lost the best."


To end it the dialogue went like "you have to cut me out of your life, stop holding on to me because it isn't fair to me" her: "i know, i just can't. im sorry." me: "don't talk to me again unless you want to actually try and see if we can make things work. And by then who knows what things will be like. I am done getting strung along." her so yeah its been a couple of days and she's obeying my rules. I'm sure she is suffering from grass is greener syndrome cause we have been together for 2 years and shes in that age where she wants to see what else is out there I'm sure. And I'm pretty sure she isn't gonna get into a relationship for a while cause that's just how she is. I would take her back now, but once she finds another guy its good riddance to her. I do love her and always will. I just wanted to share my story because its not one of those things where I have to see what went wrong in the relationship and try to fix what happened, because in all honesty up until the couple weeks leading up to the breakup, which at first was mutual because we were missing each other so much (just started off LDR), everything was perfect as can be. For two years there was absolutely no fighting and only minimal disagreements in things--best 2 years of my life so far.


Either way, I feel like crap and I can't think of any good ways to get over her.. i don't have an urge to contact her first, but if she does it again i feel like I might fall for it. I wish i could be mad at her for something other than just her falling out of love with me. I've been talking to a bunch of girls and stuff but i feel like no one measures up to her and i find an unattractive quality in someone else almost instantaneously. Also i keep clinging onto the fact that her SISTER was in an LDR for 4 years with her now fiancee after he left for the air force. And they were broken up for two weeks seemingly on similar terms as me and my ex. I don't know for the time being, i just want her back.. What is the best course of action for me to take do you guys think?

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You're not completely over it yet. Getting there, but not done. Breaking up is hard and you can't let your feelings keep sucking you back in when your head says stay away. That's what you're doing.


If you're on facebook, unfriend her and block her. Block her number from your cell phone. Then she can't keep contacting you. It seems harsh but it's not really. You're not contacting her first and she can't leave you alone so, you have to step up amd be a better person and do it for her so you can both move on.

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Sooo basically earlier today she calls me balling telling me she made the biggest mistake in her life and she regrets it and wants me back and is madly in love with me yaddah yaddah. I told her i'd think about it and call her after i thought about it. I feel like the **** right now, but moral of the story is i grew some balls and still maintained respect with her. Hopefully all ends well. This forum

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Sooo basically earlier today she calls me balling telling me she made the biggest mistake in her life and she regrets it and wants me back and is madly in love with me yaddah yaddah. I told her i'd think about it and call her after i thought about it. I feel like the **** right now, but moral of the story is i grew some balls and still maintained respect with her. Hopefully all ends well. This forum


what was the reason for the break up?


I would tread carefully if there has been a massive change of mind within a month. I hate to be negative but it would raise a red flag to me.

If it was "let's give it another go but this time we will get some professional help to work on our problems" I would see that as being constructive and a real wish to make things work. But to simply say "I made a big mistake and i do love you after all" smacks of neediness.



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reason was basically she was feeling the stress of college and thought it would be easier if she wasn't in a relationship. I am sure she is more used to classes now, i will talk about her to see where she stands in actually committing to me 100% again. I am not rushing into anything, if we get back together, it will be for good. That being said, our relationship never really had any problems to begin with.. we didnt even have our first small argument till like 8 months into the relationship, and nothing ever blew up that big. So i mean we dont necessarily need professional help, just clear-mindedness.

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