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I love her! but Does she love me, will it work?

Sad Boy

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Hi, im 19 and the girl i love is also of the same age


We have been in a relation since 1 year, we went through misunderstandings she broke up twice patched up as with me( it was her decision).

I really love this girl log before she loved me, and


The problem is


1. She is not sure about love and relationship at this point (i don't know why),but we talk daily for 2-3 hours and holidays 3-4 hours,.

(she once ot fed up or bored with me and broke up and then she was back again 3-4 days saying that she wants to talk to me share her things with me, but she is cofused about relation! )

2. She really wants to marry me in future, 25 years age, the only barrier is if i settle in life(as she said)

3.Im not in her college and theres a guy in her college who is trying to get really physically closer to her DAY BY DAY (AND ITS WORKING 4 HIM), whom she supposedly sees as a friend(just a friend according to her, but she dosent know that he has feelins for her).

4. She tried to break up twice with me but she says she misses me and she feels like sharing her feelings and on going things in her life, she just says that she wants me!

and she cares a bit if im flirty with girls(a bit)

i really love her, i seriously want her !!!!!!! and i cant imaine her with the guy in her college



Please help me by answering these




Do you think the way she is acting shows any symptoms of love in her for me?



i want her friend to be out of our lives


please help me! i really love her


tell me what to do get into permanent relation

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