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Do guys get intimidated?

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Gosh, I can feel the age gap in colloquial speech already.


Momone, sorry, I really tried to help you, clicking on this hoping someone will explain you to me, but I have no idea what you're talking about.


I get there is a guy who likes you. Who is bff, why does bff have to do with this?


Can we assume the person who like you is A, bff is B, and you are C.


so... A likes C


B likes A


C and B's relationship is uncertain.


C talks to A a lot and wants to know if talking to A will intimidate A.


Then, the equation doesn't balance. What does B have to do with anything?


does C like B? but C and B are not together?


If that's the case, C talks to A about B and wonders if A is intimidated by C talking about B. ...no, I don't think any guy will be intimidated by that.


If C talks to A strickly about celebs, I don't think any guy will care, not just not intimidated.


if B likes A but C talks to A about B liking him ...


UGH! My brain hurts, enlighten me please.

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not usually. Most of the time, no.


They might get intimidated if you tell them, oh, this other guy's sending me a rose a day trying to date me. (sub message: what are YOU doing trying to win me over, eh?)


but other than that they don't usually get intimidated.

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