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Am I taking things the wrong way/mis-interpreting?!


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There's a girl in school who I really like. We have a lot in common. I've never really been in a position where I've been able to talk to her out of class before, but recently we've been taking part in organising an "event" together, with her best mate, and a load of younger kids. As it's not a class environment, we're all a lot more relaxed.


I've always 'liked' this girl, but never been sure how she feels about me. I was rather amazed when she started (unintentionally, I think) showing signs of being attracted to me in the same way, smiling at me a lot more than one would do usually, and seeming really enthusiastic about me taking part in organising this event.


But then a good friend of mine told me that this girl already had a b/f out of school. And a couple of days later, I was talking to the girl and her friend, and they said that theyd only got into a band's music cos her b/f was into them (apparently confirming my friends' thoughts).


This all made me feel as if I'd been mistaken, and had misinterpreted her actions. But again, more recently, I feel as if she's been giving me those 'signs' again. She even asked me to stay behind after an Event Meeting to help her out with something that she obviously didnt need help doing (and in the end, I wasnt really much help!). This, and more of the 'smiling a lot' etc. has made me wonder if she's broken up with her b/f, or is more interested in me.


What do you guys think?

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Listen - I am telling this to you absolutely straight.




You won't know until you do, and how bad would you feel if she met someone else in that time?


It sounds to me like she wants to start something with you.


About the b/f thing? It could be a number of different things. She may wll have a b/f but likes you instead. She could have made up the whole thing.


But how are you going to find out!? Speak to her - when you're next alone together. Tell her how you feel - what do you have to lose?

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Im pretty sure she wasnt making the boyfriend up. For one, shes not that kind of person, and two, why would she?!


Im not the most popular person in school! I mean, Ive worked my way up the social ladder quite a lot in the past few years, but I would call myself "popular". She, however, is quite popular...


Im also not that kind of guy who sits there and talks about girls constantly. I have never had a g/f before and I have no confidence in this region of 'relationships'!


As for "What do you have to lose?"...If i asked her out and she didnt like me in that way AT ALL, then Id be so embarrassed I wouldnt be able to go near her again. Id be laughed at a lot, too, probably. Thats why Im "scouting", to see how she feels about me, and to be positive about it, before telling her how I feel about her.

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Do you really think this girl's gonna laugh at you for liking her? Do you really think she's gonna go around telling everyone? If yes, then surely you wouldn't want to have anything to do with her.


I doubt your scouting technique will work to be honest. If she has feelings for you and she hasn't said anything to you, then she's hiding them and unless you talk to her, you'll never know.


So decide right here and now, then go out, and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

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