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Still VERY lonely. This is going to be a long semester.

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I hate the school that I attend. Its located in the middle of nowhere and everyone is racist. I no longer play football due to injuries. The only reason im not going home is because this is my last semester.

This sucks because im so used to being able to talk on the phone or skype with my ex. My phome is always dry now. Im extremely lonely out here and all i do is think about her. I wonder what shes doing, who shes with and if she ever thinks about me.

Im always busy, but even when im in class or workin out or chillin with my boys, shes always on my mind. Im tired of being a slave to this girl. Being out here doesnt help because its boring and borderline depressing. Shes probably happy having the time of her life while im going through this mental torture.

I cant believe i have to stay here until December! What am i gonna do? Will i ever be able to get over her?

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That really sucks man. I wasted most of my college career either in a relationship or depressed about a girl. The fact is that you probably could be having a really great time where you are, I mean, it's school! The depression is present because it feels like the most important thing, but the truth is that in the long run you will regret letting it distract you from doing what you should be doing in school which is learning and having a great time with people.

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Like WindowTo I regret wasting most of my school year caught up in a relationship.

There are so many fun things you can do for yourself single that are sort of put on the back burner when you're in a relationship because they demand a lot of time.


The only reason she *seems* so hard to get over is because you have nothing really to consume your time ATM.

School isn't a happy place for you so naturally you're resorting to the last time you were happy - even if it didn't end up happy.

Throw yourself into school, rec sports, gym, etc.

Get a part time job.


December is not a long time away.

I wouldn't even be bothered about how to spend that time.

It's like 45 days, you know?



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OP, why did you guys breakup? If it's a minor thing, maybe you could send her some roses and a letter saying you still have feelings for her. (Just a thought!)


But I agree with laninaperdida ~ in retrospect, December really isn't that far away. 4 months will go by quickly. It's your final semester, afterall. It'd be foolish to throw away 4 years of college.

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