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I feel like I am a good catch but girls do not seem interested?


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There is no magic or luck that is needed to succeed in dating. You have the basics down already. Good job, good shape and average looking. What you need to do is to learn to spark the attraction of a woman you are interested in. There is a lot of information on doing just that but you have to be willing to put in some work, be brave and keep trying and learning.


Another thing you need to do is figure out why you treated the most recent girl badly. It will do you no good to learn to attract women if you screw it up later.


I have some information that will help you and I can send it to you if you are willing to stop what you have been doing and go down a different path.


Reading previous threads is a good way yo learn about yourself and why people on here react to you in certain ways. Posting the same basic problem over and over again hoping for a magic bullet probably isn't going to get you anywhere. Honestly you have identified most of your own problems so those should be your focus.


You are right that success breeds success and that is why you do well with other parts of your life. I know it isn't easy to put yourself out there but you do need to start looking at dating and women in general in a totally different light.


What are you willing to do to improve yourself in this regard?



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so I went out on a limb and actually confided in 3 of my girls that are friends that I know are honest/will say it like it is and have known me for at least a few years



Here is what they all said..sort of summed up:


The reason why girls did not give you much attention is becuase you looked very young for your age and it was a time and place (college) that the primary things that mattered were looks/confidence/status. They said that now that I am older I am a better catch although the fact that I look younger is a put-off to most women and that is the primary reason why things are the way they are now. they mentioned that gaining about 20 pounds of muscle mass (I started working out) really helped to fill things out but my face still looks young. they said that I am sort of a "diamond in the rough" that will have his chance when he hits his late 20's or early 30's. they say this because I am very intelligent have a very promising career and will age well and will hopefully look more masculine as I hit that age. I am slightly frustrated that they all hinted that looking young was the primary reason why I am having little luck now. They actually told me my social skills are pretty good and I do come accross as confident and it is not that at all. they told me to just keep trying and stick out and in the mean time maybe trying younger women to solver the looking young dilemma.


I try to do things to make myself appear older like dress more mature / workout but it doesnt fix the fact that my face looks young.

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I never said girls play games in my post.

I never said I wanted to hook up in my post.

If you were to read my posts you would see that I do want a meaningful relationship.


That girl was the one for me and I did not treat her well, the reason for this post is that I face the possibility of having to enter the dating world again and thus I am confronting my past and the negative experiences that came with it. When you are happy and with someone you don't worry about finding someone. When you aren't you face reality and your past demons.


and btw I didnt know people stalked me on this forum?


Actually, you did say girls play games. See below (from your post from a few days ago).


I also am not claiming you said you want to hook up. But that is the strong impression when you talk about one specific girl being 'the one' and yet you are trying to get other girls.


She is NOT a typical girl that plays games.


You post a bunch of threads and people actually start to remember.

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