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The 20 questions syndrome


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I feel like sometimes I ask too many questions. I ask because I'm interested in her or I'm just trying to start conversation.


Some girls don't seem like they are very talkative or interested after awhile.


Does this mean, they are just not INTO ME? Or NOT WHAT TO TALK TO ME?


What are some good topics to talk about to girls to keep the conversation going..? Even when they are not immediately INTO the guy?



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You need to say things that spark a response, instead of a one word answer.


Here's an example that came to mind, not that I even care about basketball, but I'm just making a point.


Here's what not to do


You: What's your favorite basketball ball team?

Her: Lakers

You: Cool. Mine is the Celtics.

(Conversation dies then you ask another question)



You: What's your favorite basketball ball team?

Her: Lakers

You: Really, I can't stand Lakers fans. Most of them are only fans because they always have a good record, plus I hate Kobe Bryant for X reasons. I bet you only like them because they've won X championships.

Her: (emotional response)

You: (emotional response)

repeat X times into more in depth conversations.


You see, it's not necessarily the topic that starts good conversation, it's how you guide the topic. Basically stand your ground on thoughts you have that are opposite of hers to get into fun arguments/conversations, you can do this with anything.


You don't always have to disagree, you can take her side in conversation but include "I can't believe how others think (add view that you guys don't believe in to conversation to converse about)" The key to good conversation is to have something to talk about, if you agree on everything there is no conversation. If you only ask questions that require a one worded response, there is no conversation.


Hope that gives you an idea.

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Throw in some story telling along with the questions. And don't be intimidated by some silence. Don't force conversation, try to let it flow naturally. You may be unintentionally monopolizing the conversation. That is death to conversation.


Silence on its own isn't enough to conclude lack of interest. Look for lack of eye contact, looking around the room, checking their watch, feigning chest pain. And if they come back from the washroom and mysteriously get a text and have to go, well things are not going to turn out well.

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I don't think that the girls necessarily don't like you, it's just annoying when someone barrages you with questions like it's a job interview. I was talking to a guy online once and he really annoyed me by basically interviewing me, like he was conducting interviews for the position of girlfriend or something!

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