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About two months ago I met an incredible woman and we started dating. I am 30 and she's 31. Things have gone very well but also very fast. People around us are absolutley amazed when they find out we've been dating for less than two months because of how well we get along with eachother. She lives about an hour from me so we're not around eachother in excess (usually two to three days a week). The topic of things of how quickly things have gone has come up a few times, nothing alarming, but we're both quite concsious of the fact. Recently we attended a wedding of a friend of hers and several days later she told me that since the wedding she has felt differently about us and that she didn't know if it was because of recent stress (she's been doing quite a bit a work and looking to purchase her first home) or what the case was. She said she think she needs some time to sort out her feelings and that she didn't really have anything further to say. I've dated before, but I've never had this kind of connection with someone so quickly. Everything in my eyes was great with no signs of anything going awry. I'm a bit confused that this came out of the blue like this and I really don't know how I should take it...


P.S. I also told her to contact me when she was ready. I had written a poem I was going to give her as part of a sweetest day gift but since I probably will not see her on sweetest day, I was thinking of e-mailing it to her. Any thoughts on this?



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You should take it easy. maybe you two were just going too fast, and the wedding made her start thinking. If you just wait for a littel bit , wait until she calls you everything should be fine. Now don't qoute me or anything, but that is usally how things like this go.

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I don't think things have gone awry in this situation, just be sure to do your part not to let them. Bascially she wants time to alone to be with herself, and to realize how much she really loves you. Give her that time, repsect her wishes, and things will stand a greater chance of moving right along. Time alone is kinda like a scab. If the scab is healing and not being messed with, it will heal faster and cleaner, but if it's picked at and bothered, it takes longer and leaves a scar. Anyway, my point is, I know exactly how you feel my friend, and I know that your mind and heart are probbaly racing just thinking of her, but just give her what she needs and give yourself what you need- peace of mind knowing you've done the right thing. Good luck.

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