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Ok it has now been two weeks since i last talked to my girlfriend of 4 years, and still no email replies or phone calls. I assume she is still with her family although she was supposed to be home last weekend. She hasn't called to tell me whats going on. The last thing she said to me 2 weeks ago when we last talked was that she loved me very much, she misses me and that she couldn't wait to see me. Then she said she would talk to me the following day and I haven't heard from her since. Is this some really lame way of breaking up with me? Should I just accept it and move on? Need advice please help.

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You've been together for four years. Why don't you just call her? I'm sure it's totally fine to call her, even if she is with her family, right? I would not worry too much unless she actually said I don't wanna be with you anymore, which she didn't. I'd recommend calling her ASAP to find out what's up, like if she's ok or if she's sick or something.

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hmm, try going to her house, call her and if her mom answers tell her to write this down and give it to "your friends name" say, "I've missed you, call me at "your phone number goes here" and she SHOULD call you, if not her mom either has short term memory or she doesnt like you so she doesnt tell your girl about your calls

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