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its been awhile since I have been in love,or in a relationship so to say.I have coped for awhile now and been fine but appartently latly im getting quite sad.About a month ago I meant someone that I was very interested in,we got to know each other and visited each other,went out on outings every weekend.But for some reason my feelings that I had for her kind of just faded away out of no where.And I just feel alone,that void is not filled with anything.Even my music,which usually satisfies and cares for everyone of my needs is not helping.My friends dont seem to have an impact on anything.Ive been getting out and meeting new people but I never really get to see them much.There busy doing there own thing.I know patience will bring me something special,but it seems my patience is wearing thin.I just want to feel love again,to have that romantic scene,to hold one that I care for and love,to be dependant rather than independent.I just dont know what to do.My mind isnt thinking right latly,all pieces of thought are scattered around.My feelings and emotions within my heart are disordered and hiding so I cant even feel them.

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I feel the same way. Don't know if I have advice to give you, but can tell you you're not alone in this.


Sometimes it just seems to occupy too much of my thinking. I do think that we should not doubt our attractiveness or value (that's something I do) just because no one's interested at the moment. That's maybe one of the hardest things in life - just doing your own thing and being satisfied with it, instead of feeling lonely.


I do think having a good group of friends around helps ease the loneliness (if they're not all dating, that is!). Me, I'd love to find more friends to talk about interesting things with. Lots of people are busy though. I'm honestly starting to wonder if people realize how valuable friends are. But it takes awhile to develop good friends, right?


If anyone has advice for us on this, please share your thoughts! Thanks!

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Like the saying goes "You'll meet someone when you least expect it"


The best thing to do is focus on your life and career/school. Do things for yourself, and find some good friends you can talk to and trust. Friends generally like trying to hook each other up with someone, so at least this way you might get a chance to meet new people, and go on some dates. If the dates don't work out, at least you get practice talking to him or her for the evening, and getting over any shyness you might have.


Moping around, and feeling down doesn't help, other people can pick up on this very easily, and it's not attractive. Try some online dating and get out there and meet someone, it's easy and you might just meet someone that shares your same life interests, and feels the same way as you do.

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