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The kiss is to come, but what the hell do I do?!

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I must say that I don't fully understand the concept of french kissing. I'm pretty sure that i'm going to need to know fairly soon.


My girlfriend and I have not been going out for too long but we've already established that we really like each other. We've been out a few times and have come close to engaging in a french kiss on several occasions. I've managed to avoid it long enough to get some advice.


I'd be really greatful if anyone with ANY tips on what I should and shouldn't do would let me no a.s.a.p


Thanks people..

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Well, a french kiss is basically kissing with your mouths opena dn your tongues playing with each other. That's it. How to get there from a close mouth kiss? Never felt like I needed instructions, except for one woman who just wouldn't and she over 35. You kiss a few times, and it happens. Just go with it.

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When french kissing, you will be a little nervous at first, that is natural. When you start kissing, start to open your mouth a little, if she doesn't follow along, don't force it, you don't want to make her do anything that she is not comfortable doing, and you don't want to slobber all over her mouth, that kinda scares the girls away (a little slobber is ok). If she follows the opening of the mouth, you gently put your tongue out and touch hers, then it is all up to both of you what happens. That is just a general over view, there is a creative license to kissing, it will all come naturally eventually. Good luck.

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My favorite way to initiate a French kiss is to lightly run my tongue over the inside of my boyfriend's lip while we're kissing (closed mouths). I just open my mouth a little, run my tongue over his lips, and if he wants to French, then he sticks his tongue in my mouth and we go from there. I tried this with our first French kiss, I think and it's a nice technique. It's sort of a question when we do it. Sort of like "Do you wanna do something like this for a while?"


If you try that, there's probably a good chance that she'll get the hint. My boyfriend does, anyway.


Once you get it started, just lightly touch the inside of her mouth and her tongue with your tongue. Don't stick it in too far and it's usually a good idea not to be too fast or too forceful.


Have fun.

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I am glad that i could help.


to XBOX........you are young yet, don't be so down on yourself.........the sooner you get involved with girls, dating and kissing, no nessesarily sex, the sooner you have to deal with the drama........ coming from a woman, take me seriously, we are full of drama, i don't know why but even the most anti girlie girl such as myself is guilty of drama. it is not all bad, some of it is great, but trust me, don't rush to get involved with girls, just play it cool and it will come.

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