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I need some help with this.


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Theres a girl that goes to my church that I've been pretty good friends with for a year or so now. We talk every so often, but this summer she has been out of town a lot with family problems and conferences for church. Anyway, I haven't seen her in over a month until Sunday just for a few minutes. She came up to me and told me she was off on Wednesday and asked if I wasn't busy that we hang out and catch up. We have hung out before but always with a group of people and today will be the first time its just us. She went to Florida earlier this summer and had Alligator for the first time and she said she really liked it so today I am going to take her to my favorite restaurant that just happens to have alligator. I didn't tell her where I was taking her its sort of a surprise. I really like her and like talking to her but if she is looking at me and I see her eyes and even a half smile my entire body feels like jello. I would love to build something with her. What should I do?

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What your doing, it's very cool that you are taking the incentive to take her somewhere you know she'll enjoy and that will impress her that you took the time to listen. Just relax, don't use too much cologne and engage in conversation relateable for both of you. You'll be fine!

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