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IM 13 hes 17 is that too much?? I NEED OPINIONS!

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kissing does not count.


Actually kissing can be an offense in the UK - new legislation under the child protection act has been brought in i think i remember hearing about it in the news.


I say in the uk he would be safest legally with no physical contact (i think even holding hands can come under this new act) at all and also he should not send sexy emails or text messages, or chat sexy on msn etc. as he will technically be commiting an offence


If you truly love each other i'm sure you can wait....


(PS i might be totally wrong with this - it might just have been propoesd - you'd have to ask a lawyer really - then again if you're not for the uk hardly matters as everywhere has different laws - the age of consent to sexual activity in japan is 13 where as in some places its 21)


(PPS wherther is right or wrong - i personally think you would be better of going out with someone your own age....but thats just me)

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lol I have had a lot of laughs reading all this, it has been a while since I have been on. I do live in the US, CA to be exact. Well, if you guys care here is an update. We broke up a couple weeks ago because of various reasons. Age being a main one. He went out with someone his own age but ended having a mutal break-up after just a few days. She thought he was too INMATURE and I don't know about him. After a few days I was not doing to good, was really stressed and missed him. I didn't really think I wanted him back, I thought I was just upset. Well after a week and a half, I realized it was our breakup that was making me so stressed. I was a nervous wreck. I couldn't eat, sleep, and to get up to go to school was nearly impossible, but I didn't let anyone see that, especially not him. One night I was sittin there and my friends decided to call him to see how he was doing. They put him on speakerphone. I listened silently as he told them it had been the worst past couple weeks of his life. When they asked why he just ignored them. They asked him these exact words, they said "Do you miss Shana?" he hesitated and said yes. They looked like someone had just gone crazy. The questioned him for nearly an hour. All things like: "Why did you break up with her?" "Why do you say you love her, if you loved her you wouldn't have done it. You went out with that other girl" And yes, he said he loved me. I didn't know what to think. He asked to talk to me but I couldn't speak. I had just hear all of this, and now I didn't know what to do or what to think. He had made my situation horrible. Knowing that we were over, but knowing we both still cared was too much. I left. yes, I walked right out the front door. I stayed gone for what I thought was ten minutes, but when I got back my friend had tears running down her face. She looked so relieved I was back. Little did I know that I had been gone for almost an hour. She had called my ex and told him. As she went through the story I broke down into tears. When she told him she didn't know where I was he started freaking out. He asked her a "billion" questions, none of which she could answer, but the most amazing part (and i came to find out she was right) she said he had sounded like he was crying when they hung up. She said I was to call him when I got back. So I gave it a shot. He picked up on the first ring, and his voice was very shaky. He asked me why I had left and what took me so long. He reminded me of a talk we had a long time ago. I was going to run away because of some situations I had in my family life. Not forever just overnight, but he wouldn't let me. As he told me about this I realized why everyone had been freaking out. That night after my friend left, I called him and appologized after a few minutes he said he had to go. All of a sudden i heard him say "i love you and i always have" there was a split second of silence which felt like forever and then i heard a click. Our conversation was over and he knew he had left me something to think about. And boy did i have a lot of time to think. I dont thik i slept for more than and hour that night. the next day he text me "goodmorning how did u sleep?" i text back "not too good i was hearing things" his reply was "Like what?" then "I LOVE YOU!!" i text him back "now im seeing things" things went phsyco from there he told me he still loved me and he was sorry he ever let me go. he said he was stupid for doing it, and that when he heard my voice he just wanted to tell me all this, but he was afraid to. I didn't anser


Well the next day was school, my first day of school since the break-up at my dads house so i knew i would see him that morning and he would want me to walk with him. when i saw him and he walked jover to me, me heart was beating faster than it ever had. He gave me a look that i knew said "Can i hug u?" i just smiled at him. So he walked over and took me in his arms. He whispered in my ear that he was sorry and that he wanted me back. I didn't answer him. I just stood there with tears in my eyes. I dont know if they were happy or sad or what, but i wanted to cry. We walked to school in silence, and for once, on the way there, he held my hand, no matter who went by, no matter what age, he hand didnt slip from mine. He knew we weren't "officially" going out again, but he also knew what was in my heart. He knew of my love for him. Now this was 3 days ago and i havent seen him since then any suggestions??


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Personally I think you having such a rough time is perfectly normal. Almost everyone goes through this kind of stuff when they break up, but give it some time and you will heal. If he broke up with you because he cant take the pressure from others in his life, I'll tell you straight up your relationship wont be a smooth one.


Breaking up with you shows that he cares a lot about what others think more then what he thinks.


The rebound back to you shows that he doesnt know what he wants, he has no clue what hes doing anymore, hes lost.


On a positive note, he did show alot of care for you according to his reaction on the phone when he heard that u ran away.


My brain is saying that him coming back for you after he broke up with the other girl isnt a good thing.



But it could be worth it to give it a try, no one has the right nor ability to tell you that your relationship with this man wont work out. Tell your boyfriend not to let others effect him so much next time, hes the one in control and responsible for his emotions and actions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

depends what youre minds are like...like if he's and immature 17yr old or if youre a mature 13yr oldd it kinda balances out.

if he starts pressuring you into things you dont want to do, finish with him straight away, you need to be sure he's whit you for you, not because of your vulnerbility.

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thanks a lot you guys i have had a lot of help with this subject. as for my decision, i think im gonna make him play it slow, and take it slow. he never pressures me, but then again he knows when to make the first (since we broke up) move. everything seems okay again as for this subject, but im working on other things. guys arent my whole life even though it sounds like it thanks again for all the help!

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Age differences get smaller and smaller as you get older and older


eg. 97 and 92 arent really differend but....

17 and 12 is just wrong.


Let me tell a story


Me and my buddies were at a park and one of the guys who was with us met a girl who was 13(or whatever grade 8 is) and we are 16 and 17. Anyway, they hooked up for a bj, and well, he hasnt heard the end of it.


Your bf is probably embarased, but in my opinion, he should be. Your intelects are so different, what is on his mind other than sex?

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