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Help me please!!!


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Ok this has been going on for a while now and i have no idea what to do. I have been talking to this girl online for a while now. We see each other everyday at school but we never talk to each other. The problem is that every time are paths cross she purposely acts like im not there and looks in the opposite direction everytime. Ive asked her about why she doesn't talk to me and she says that she usually doesn't start converstations with people but she'll try (I always see her starting conversations with people all the time but never with me). Well anyways things haven't changed since she said that and she says she doesn't know why we dont talk and also says she has nothing against me and wouldnt mind talking. I am very very sure that she isn't a shy person cuz she is always so energetic and talking to people all the time so I dont understand why she talks to everyone but me. Whats going on here?

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Hi lonelyguy,


The next time you are talking online to her try and arrange to hang out somewhere, not a date, but just so you can talk, friend to friend. Maybe you can talk during a break or lunch, but it is all well to talk online but in the end nothing beats talking to a friend face to face.


If she is reluctant to talk to you face to face then you must think if this is what you want. good luck

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Maybe you could try starting a conversation with her next time you cross paths. Maybe she's just shy to talk to you. Maybe she likes you.


If she doesn't seem like she enjoys talking to you in person, then maybe she's not really who you thought she was. She might just talk to you online to be nice or something.


Just try starting a conversation with her next time you see her. See what happens then.

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Try starting a conversation with her in person next time.

It'd be easier to judge from her behavior if she really IS just being polite by talking to you.


I have to admit, this sounds exactly like the way that i act. For me, i just suddenly turn quieter when I talk to the guy I like. It's possible she's the same way too...

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