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Don't know what to do!


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Really need some advice on this one! Me and my boyfriend been together a year and 5 months and already have a 6 month old daughter. Things were fine up until my daughter was born, we got a house together and were intimate until the very end of pregnancy. Now things have changed completley. He hardly wants to touch me anymore, he can go hours sitting in the same room with me and our daughter without communicating at all with us - even when baby is crying there's no reaction. We argue constantly! We stopped arguing for a whole week but had a big blow out yesterday. After we both apologized for the argument he brought it up throughout the day stating all the things i do that wind him up - it's always my fault and he thinks im the only problem. We've both talked about seperating and both reluctant to do so! We both admit that we still love one another and would find the break up heart breaking! I love him and want to make it work, but there's no communication on his part, im miles away from family and feel isolated and want my little girl to have her family. I'm so miserable and depressed, i want to split but I know it'll kill me! Please help!!!

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