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Would it bother you if

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Hi all,


I've mostly been posting in the break up section so first time in this area. Basically, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition in 2010 which has left spots all over my body - worse on my legs. It's not really an issue in that I don't get stared at and just look like every other person but I can't show my legs and some of my back.


I've only ever been with 2 guys -the first was my boyfriend and was there when I was diagnosed and the second, my recent ex. They both didn't seem to care about it, expressly stating they didn't want me to have hang ups around them etc. Bless their hearts but I was still so self conscious.


I am more at peace with it now after my recent break up and I don't think it makes me worth any less but it'd be easier to just have clear skin.


As you can appreciate, it's slightly harder for me to be as comfortable about my body with someone new I'd only just gotten to the stage where I'd walk about naked unashamedly around my ex (after 6 months) and now that is over.


I was wondering how much it'd bother other people to date someone like me? If it helps I have a very nice figure - as told by everyone who has given me a compliment since I was 16. MY recent ex said I had the most amazing body he had seen in flesh and he'd seen plenty. Lol.

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As "just a guy," I really wouldn't be overly concerned; I would be more curious than anything. Sounds like you have a body most men would be after, and if you have a good personality, then you have no worries.

If it helps, women who wear long dresses are pretty attractive in my book.


So Don't worry, be yourself, and if some guy has a hang up on something that irrelevant; then do you want to have anything to do with them?

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Thank you guys


Like I said both the guys I've been with didn't care much. The second was in fact curious. I wonder if I've just been lucky; we do live in a society where women are judged by their appearance. It's just really daunting to deal with revealing myself to another person again. And when you're with someone new you want to look your absolute best but it does get difficult if you're limited in what you can wear.

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