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White stain on his boxers


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I found a white stain on his boxers. I don't know what to think. Can in mean only one thing? Question to men, Can there be any other reason for the stain besides sexual reason? Please help! This is driving me crazy today. I know that i can be a little parranoid at times so I need some input. Anyone who can give their 2 cents in, please!

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I don't want to confront him just yet. I'm known to be aliitle paranoid when it comes to these things and we have gotten in huge fights over my jealousy issues and i dont want him to think that I'm doing it again. He's never really given me any reason, but i just have a hard time trusting and I think way too much of anything. He's a great husband a great father we get along really good and he's very affectionate. There is one thing that bothers me though, he's not very sexual. There are times that I think that he's faked cumming. What goes up must come down, right? Well, that's a whole other issue that i'm having. It's humiliating to me and it makes me feel undesirable to him. What do u think? Do alot of men suffer from low sex drives? Do men really fake it at times and if so what are some of the reasons? I appreciate any advice. Thanks,



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I do remember reading in Cosmo once that some men fake it because of the "pressure" involved. They think if they don't come the woman will feel like she is bad in bed, which I guess is true to some extent.


I think some men do suffer from low sex drives. Does your husband have a stressful job? That could be a huge reason. Maybe he is a bit worried about upsetting you since you have a history of being a little paranoid. I'm not a guy so I can't say for sure what is going on in his head (but darn I wish I could get in a man's mind!) I hope some other people will have something to say about this.

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Guys can leave one stains on boxers for numerous reasons, even if they have never participated in any sexual activity (exluding masturbation too)....for me I have had it happen. Is just a normal reflex, and there doesn't always have to be a sexual stimulus.


Confronting him might lead to an argument. Just keep an eye on him and what girls he talks to

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one word: masterbation.


I'm a bit worried that the first conclusion that you would draw is that he's doing something sexual with someone other than you. It sounds like you two might need to sit down and really get some of your feelings and fears out in the open. It is far better to talk about things and have them out in the open then to feel like you have to hide or that there are secrets floating around. Really, you need to get to a place where you don't see yourself as paranoid about things like this and you CAN confront him if you have a concern.

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I dont agree with the confrontation suggestion. I can tell you that he is going to deny it whether he did it or not so that isnt going to get you anywhere. Its far more important to be observant than to just jump to certain conclusions because our mind has led us in that direction first. If you suspect him of cheat beware and mindful of anything that sets off any other cheating signals.

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Here is the thing though, as long as you confront him, no matter what he says- truth or lie- you will know that you did your job and showed him that you trusted him enough to ask and believe his answer. So in the end, if you find out he lied, he won't be able to say that you never asked or that you didn't confront him. You will know that you did your best to communicate and be honest and open with him, and if he didn't return the favor then you will know that the problem is with him and not yourself.

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