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what should i do?

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um, i already posted somthing about this, but i couldnt find where i posted it, sincei have got some more information

anyhow, heres how it is (gonna do a quick recap)

theres this girl i know at school, we talk practically evryday at lunch, but only for like 5-10 ish minutes (she works in the cafeteria) anyhow

we were friends in middle school since like 4th grade but somewhat distanced ourselves in 9th grade, (im in 10th now). thing is, im starting to like her alot more then just as a friend. but the problem is, i dont know if shes interested in me, and im a really shy guy so its kinda hard to talk about it. she usally hangs out with her group of friends at lunch after talkin to me, and since im even more shy around people i dont know, i never have hung out with her group of friends, (ok, except for the first day of school this year) we also hug alot in between classes and during lunch, of course, i dont know if thats anything special, right? ive never seen her hug any of her other friends or anything, but i dunno. and she even said that i should come hang out with her group during lunch sometime(eheh that was about 3 weeks ago ). i wanna ask her out, but i dont know if wheter shes into me or not. am i just too hardheaded to take a hint, or what? sorry about the length btw, but im just really nervous and not sure what i should do, i still havent hung out with her group (cuz of being shy, and not the most attractive guy around either ) but am thinking of taking a chance.

again, sorry bout the length

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"If you arent willing to risk it all you dont want it bad enough" as many people have told me in the past. True words. My advice would be to go for it and ask her out. The worst that can happen is her saying no. If that's the case atleast you'll know and can move on to someone else.



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I have trouble talking to guys cause I'm shy too.. but hear is what I think. It sounds like you two hit it off pretty well. What do you talk about for 5 to 10 mins?, Maybe you could try walking with her to where her friends hang out at lunch. If you don't feel comfortable around all those people I suggest you try to get to know her by asking if she would do a certain activity with you sometime. Maybe ask for her number if your brave, so you could talk more and get to know each other. Are you sure she isn't seeing anyone? And does she hang out with many guys? Maybe the hugs are something special maybe not but mentioning you come hang out with her friends means she definetely likes you to some degree. You can do it, get to know her better, show her your interested and then maybe ask her out. Dont let this opportunity pass by. Good Luck..

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