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Putting the LC plan to work

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I read........


liukang76 theard about LC being powerful and someone left 2 links to two other theards about LC and the benefits of getting the dumper to miss the dumpee...it wont allow me to post the links in my thread but its a good read.


and it got me the thinking how true this is and how me and my ex went through something similar before we became a couple, twice before. I remember that when we 1st met we were in deep honeymoon stage (we werent in a relationship but we liked each other). Then after about 5 mnths he started distancing himself from me. I was so crazy acting I didnt know how to deal with it I was instantly a needy person...I told him directly that I missed him over and over and I wanted to see him, etc and he acted jus like he is acting now...more distant and an ahole. One day I just was like f this and stp talking to him for a month and then when I started talking to him again after a month if not mentioning us, or liking him or anything like that he started to flirt with me, etc and by this time I was looking nice all the time.. dressing up in nice little outfits all the time just to meet him at subway for 15 mins. And guess what....he started taking me on dates and asked me to be his girlfrd.

So I am going to test this theory out. Starting tomorrow. I dont want him back but I want to see if this is true. I lie....I do want him back but this is some bs to keep going thru this so Imma get my head and heart on the same accord. I will document here.

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She said she wants to get back together.


Why test this out and play games with him regardless? Putting your heart on the line and possibly his will only backfire. Why not just move on since it sounds like the relationship was on rocky ground anyway?

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As I stated we were not in a relationship. (before we became a couple) I used the previous examples to show that after reading the threads how I related it to my life. I stated that I wanted to get back together because I do in my heart I miss him. I think alot of ppl when they first break up want to get back together to some level. But I also said that I need my heart to catch up to my mind. I know that I would never go back I know that I deserve so much more. But because I am already going to have to fall back and do LC then I want to see if this happens again. Even with my ex before him he did the same thing. I was out the door. No turning back. After years still wanted me back.


Let's be honest...when someone breaks your heart you want them to realize what they lost.

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