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Wow and I thought I had seen it all. Get some help man....seriously. In my opinion porn isn't bad BUT AS LONG AS THOSE IN IT OUR 18+. Child porn is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong on so many levels and it doesn't matter if you jack off to it or just look at it. IT'S WRONG. Sorry man but you need HELP.

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I don't think he needs help. OldGuy obviously has a lot of self control. He's 50, he knows it's not acceptable in the society, and he doesn't act upon his interest. I think he has all the help he needs from within.


I don't think it's acceptable to like childrens either, but there are some people in the society that do.


I think OldGuy not only shows that he is brave by showing us that part of him, he also shows he is a great man with good characters that many of us do not possess (sp?).

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well i agree its mature of him to not act upon his interests and its mature to be open about it and seek help, but clearly, and i dont care who you are, this is not acceptable. i hope he does get the approrpirate help, and if he does not, i hop he continues to not act on his fantasies. i'm sure he's a great guy and no one's perfect of course, but still, that's not right. take care

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What you have is a perversion, its not that big a deal just try and focus on something else, it sounds to me like you look at too much porn and need something more different to get off to now,


Try masterbating less and if you cant try different types of fetish like fatties or mature women.

I think you should read up on the effects these things have on young children in detail, it should help you feel disgusted at what these kids are being put through and so on.


also id d/l some stuff to clear your computer of the stuff, the government are tracking down people who visits those sites all the time.

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Erm who does?


U need help man before u harm some1 and end up ni jail...I don't want that to happen to anyone so please do something about it






While I appreciate your concern, someday you will learn that there things a man does not do, simply because he is not supposed to do them. Just as there are things a man does just because he is supposed to do them. People don't always need help to manage their demons, sometimes they only need to know what demons they have.


I am afraid I don't know what Erm means.


As for my grand-daughter, when she was born came home from the hospital to my house, so I bathed her in a sink and changed her dirty diapers. Now she is 10 and she only visits us. But when she's in the shower and asked grandpa to bring her a towel, grandpa sends grandma.


aHH i see...Sorry for any misunderstanding..Maybe you should make her bring ina towel or if an emergency comes walk backward with the towel in ure hand and close ure eyes....Then think about something




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Wherever there is awareness, there is chance for change.

Wherever someone admits their own truth, they have an oppertunity arisen of acceptance and comforting

Wherever someone cries for help, another will hear

Wherever someone shovels out their sin, a new treasure will be found


But remember: "the doors of hell are locked from the inside."


It's time for you to look in different places.

It's time to walk a higher path

The one made for you

And made real BY you.

You have a lot of time to fix everything.

It takes small steps

But many are walking with you

Many also feel disgusting and ashamed and tormented and alone

They too have no one to love them fully

And in this world, nothing really ever becomes full

Because we are awaiting the arrival of the next.

If you were to go to it before you are called

You will have wasted your life and that's the real darkness

But since you are living, you are life itself right now

You must not waste yourself but rather create who you want to be

By remembering... who you really are.


John 16:33-"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart: I have overcome the world." (Jesus)


“People who sin say this: That they had to, to survive. People who sin say this: That’s it’s too late to stop now. The shadow called Sin dogs them steadily from behind, without a word. Remorse and Agony are to be repeated, to finally end up at Despair. But sinners don’t know that if they turned around, there is a light…a light which keeps shining on them ever so warmly. A light that will never fade.” -Trigun


>You are loved, child. All of you are. No matter what you have done or where you have come from. There is something that saves... it lies in the core of each of us. A connection to something greater. To something deeper. The pain we feel makes our being more real- it reminds us the depth of our soul and that we are greater than shallow and selflish wanderings


Live. You will find reasons to stay.

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Ok interesting...well look everyone it's like this :


- some people are born to be attracted to the opposite sex

- some people are born to be attracted to the same or both sexes

- some people are born to be attracted to children


Don't blame anyone for being born a certain way. Paedophilia is no more wrong than homosexuality, and if you look at it from a rational point of view you can clearly see that.


The only thing wrong is acting on the paedophile urges, because no matter how you look at it, that's rape. Also paying for child porn, because it supports kids being sexually abused....if noone was paying for it they wouldn't be abused in the first place.


I don't think counselling can help you get over the "illness"...that's the same as those people that think homosexuality is an illness that needs treatment.


BUT I would suggest counselling to help you both deal with who you are, and make sure your natural desires are kept in check and you don't act on them.


It's understandable that you are afraid to go because of the societal taboo on it, but here's a way: online counselling. You can conceal your ip to feel safer, and everything would be done online..just google "online counselling" and you'll come up with alot of sites that provide it.


Oldguy : congratulations on never acting on your natural urges, takes a great man to do that...

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We are attracted to what we choose. It's a subconscious choice that builds from our ideas of what works for us and what doesn't. It isn't a good thing to be attracted to children.


Sexual things are too much information for a child to take in. They are small developing people who can only handle so much at a time. The thing is, you are human. If you have these urges, there is a chance you may act on them someday out of repression and frustration. This means you must monitor and discipline yourself. A therapist is what you need to keep you in such a mindset. In the meantime, focus on other priorities. Focus on growing the other areas of who you are.

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We are attracted to what we choose. It's a subconscious choice that builds from our ideas of what works for us and what doesn't. It isn't a good thing to be attracted to children.


I absolutely disagree with that. And fallout too.


After talking to a psychriatric nurse working with such 'people', who have committed violent hideous crimes including murder of children, he explained that it is a mental disorder not a subconscious choice. They have a warped way of looking at children and think that it is a big flirty game in which children are playing along and WANT them to pursue them (and worse), warped indeed... Which is why they are such a danger to society and NEED to be locked up.


To the original poster..... I don't think for one minute that you are a paedo from what you have said in your orignial post and after what I have just written, do you?


I think it was the fact that it was so wrong and SHOCKING that it became the feeder to your flame, rather than the images of children themselves. Do not visit these sites again, you risk a visit from the police besides anything else. They have arrested quite a few people in my area already and some have gone to jail..


Try and find something else that turns you on. Anything but that. Get out in the real world and find yourself a gf and I think this whole dreadful thing you are going through will pass.

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