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I had a tough time yesterday

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i was late to work and it was raining. i was going 50, and i came over this hill and spun out. i ended up on the other side of the road with the back of my truck stuck in the woods. I swore i was going to die, everything was happening so fast. I tried to get out but I was stuck. I saw like 5 cars pass by me while I was waving for help. kind world we live. finally one truck stops and offers to tow me out. but my mom arrives all pissed off because she was late for her church meet. she told me i wasnt going to drive no more, and i wasnt going to college. she took me to work and was still yelling at me. work was probably the only good times i had yesterday.


I still had to find a ride home, none of my friends would pick me up. So i asked everyone in the store if anyone could take me home, and the girl i have a thing for stood up and said she'll take me home. I was planning on a date with her today, but now that i dont have a truck i dont know. she told me to call her today when i asked her out. maybe since she knows where i live she could pick me up. well anyway while i was at home my parents came home and just yelled at me, driving me down all day saying how stupid i was. so i got myself drunk and wasted away. and then went to sleep.


I do hope everything turns out better today, Im still trying to get that date going atleast. I plan on taking her at the end of this evening to this pavilion on the lake one my chick friends told me about, but it needs a key to get in. But first ill have to see this girl will even take me out.

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I am not going to analyze your whole story, and I am really not thinking to start a flame war...but tell your mom this. How can she yell and complain to you, tell you that your not going to college or driving anymore, and overall treat you like crap...because shes late for her church meeting?

If religion tells us anything, its to love and respect each other. That how we treat each other is one of the most, if not the most important things in life. Ask her why she goes to church, if shes not even willing to practice what they preach.

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After church I told my dad that I did not like the fact that this religion is forced upon, and then he asked me if i believed in god. i paused and told him i would not answer that. i became upset at me.


the only thing i see would make this day better, if my friends would stop working at the church today and hang with me or if that girl returns my call and wants to hang out this evening. If she does return my call she would have to pick me up. and that would be weird, man i was planning on bringing her this exotic flower at her door and taking her out. if she doesnt return my call ill call her when she gets off work.

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