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discomfort in social situations

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I'm not sure why I feel this way, but sometimes I feel uncomfortable in social situations when I introduce my boyfriend to my friends. It doesn't happen every time.


It's as though he just talks to my friends. He almost never looks at my face the whole time. At least when I talk, I include him in the conversation. It's like we are both talking to my friends Nd not to each other. Is this just normal social stuff? Is there anything I can do to make these social situations better? I think I also realized that I miss spending some one on one time with my friends as an individual.

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Females like eye contact, this is not the case with guys, they will often look away and focus only on certain points. Because you are a female you take him in consideration in order to secure his emotions, since he is a guy and his communications centers are burned at birth (like all guys) he won't notice it. Its perfectly normal, and he is not doing it deliberately, nor is he trying to hurt your feelings. Just accept it and there should be no problem.

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