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1 day love, 2 day hate, 3 day love, 4 day hate

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ok to start off me and my ex have been broken more then 2 months

and we have been to gether for like 3.5 years.i'm still so in love with her

i never did anything to hurt her but she has done a bit to hurt me like kissing another guy for 10sec or so she say but that was in the past and was in our frist year. she broken up with me 2 month ago cuz she needed time and stress was getting to her from work and her mother and father.

anyways i'm here to ask what i sould i do?

i don't call or make any plans with her but i'll only talk to her when she calls and go out when she ask or calls for it.

the thing is she makes the plans and blow them off most of the time and it hurts cuz she is always with her new friends (she left me and all her many years friend even her best friend for these new friends that she is alway out with)

and she always have time for them and never us she don't even pick up any of her friends calls.

what i really want to know is

i go and see her when she picked the day and we'll have a great time talking about us and other things also many thing so we under stand each other more and how we feel. that night she held me and cry and told me she miss me and loves me so much.

then the next time she made plans with me and blows me off

(i was there at her job picking her up to hang out with flower to make her feel better with a new CD she always wanted but was only in the U.K i got it off ebay for $100 U.S but i think it's worth it to make some one happy and feel alot better. but then she told me that she was not going to hang out with me and got up set i even come to pick her up? like she told me to. and i even saw her new friends there whating for her to go hang out. i so wanted to lose it and take them out but i know it was not there falt and i don't like hurting in any way. it was her choseing. i want home and was so hurt i cryed. she called later in the week and made plans again so i want with it. thing want good full of heart and good feelings. then the hang out after that was blown off again and she'll be good next time then after that she'll acted like if we where never boy or girl friends and be cold. after that hang out she'll be worm and loving.

so now i do 't know what hurts more her hateing me or loveing me

plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help thanks for reading

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Hmm i wanna just say goodbye to this girl and run, but I know... if I were in your situation i wouldn't. I would keep on letting her call, I would pick up, and have high hopes again. But honestly you gotta find a way to get outta this. this isn't a routine you should be in. Find some good guy friends and just start hanging out, have fun... just forget about it. Don't pick up her calls for a while. Then when you feel like she hasn't called in like a month, pick up.


I would say get outta there, but I dunno if I would have the strength. You just have to.



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I once waited for my ex to come to m job to see me..it rained. I stayed outside for about 2 hours because when we were 2gether, he was worthy of keeping his word. So there I was 2 hrs after m shift mind you, he never called or showed. Come to find out he stayed home cause the weather was "bad" and he thought I'd understand. I feel what ur going through. My advice would be to just leave her alone for a while. I mean...Do u like being called whenever and only when it fits her schedule? What about YOUR SCHEDULE? Or even you're feelings and sacrifices? Leave her be. She doesn't deserve an on call love that she can't even honor with a decent phone call and meeting up for a date she initially said she would be at. These hang ups are only a sign of power for her that she likes having. Sort of a wrapped around my finger, I'll call u if I'm bored and need a pick me up. Its the honest truth. We can't be there all the time for them because then they make that grave mistake of taking you for granted. Less is more and that goes for your availability when it comes to her...Let her get with those new friends all she likes. They will lose the glitter and flare soon because nothing is better than an old friend. Silver and Gold. Just give her a little while to miss you. Maybe even give her a taste of her own medicine as a wake up call that you have better things to do then wait on hand and foot for her call to be let down once more. Good luck in whatever your choose. Remember...it may seem confusing now but put your foot down. You might surprise her. =0)

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thanks you vary much for your guys and girls help and i'll take in mind all you have said.and i hope i can do what is best for me but it's hard cuz i have never been a self help but a self giver. i only have given my self to help ppl but never done anything for me. like one time i got hit by a car and was paid $1100 canadian money. i gave my mother $4000 and i used only $2000 for my self, for food and a place to stay for half a year.the the other $5000 used to help my ex to go to school and get away from her drug useing father and mother. anyways thanks so much for your guys wisdom


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