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Is She Being Flirty Or Friendly? All Help Appreciated

mr sad

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hello all.


ok, heres the 4-1-1.

theres this girl i like right and im not sure exactly sure what is going on between us.


im not sure if she is:

1. just being her friendly self.

2. being flirty towards me (possibly wanting relationship)

3. being flirty towards me (just for fun or some other reason)


she calls me names like 'hun' and 'sweetheart' and is a real touchy kinda person (kinesthetic)

but yea im not sure exactly what to make of it all. shes a friend that i work with so i dont want to really make too many moves in case it creates some kind of akwardness between us. what can / should i do?


have been in this situation twice before and messed it up both times ... want to get it right this time.


any and all help is greatly appreciated.

more info can be acquired if you ask me questions, etc.


thank you : )

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Well, I would say first of all, watch her closely when se is talking to other males, and see if she acts the same way around them, touching them and calling them pet names too. 8)


If not - I would say you're in


But if she does, you should not read anything more than friendship into it, some people are just naturally flirty with everyone!


Good luck

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Well what you need to do is continue to be friendly with this girl. You need to put your feelings aside and realize it isnt going to do you any good to continue to like her if she is just going to flirt with you. You need to realize that this is nothing but friendly just because she calls you those kinds of names it doesnt mean anything. Play the situation cool and have fun with it.

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Whether she's flirting with you or not really doesn't matter. Flirting doesn't necessarily equal interest in a relationship -- some are just naturally flirty. Instead of trying to 'interpret' her behavior, just talk to her. Ask her if she wants to go do something (see a movie, go to the library, whatever), and see what she says.

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well for those who wanted background of where i stuffed up here tis.


her and i kinda almost got together on new years eve. but i was way to drunk to notice anything out of the ordinary. then the next day a friend of mine was like 'dude she was all over ya, like full on'

then there was a lot of msging

(i chose not to read into msgs as theyre easy to misinterpret)

then at another party it almost happened again.

i know where im going wrong, its not a quick fix. thats not the issue at the moment.


well i havent noticed her calling any other guys pet names as such. but we get along good. we're going to get drunk together on saturday night (today is wednesday) and she lives close by so we're sharing a cab on the way home.


i would just like the sociologist in all of yas to help me out, ... please

is there any particular signs or things that i should look for, etc?

(dont say pick up lines cos theyre for sleazy losers looking for a 1 nighter)

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  • 3 months later...

Dude! Ok this I have learned from a lifetime of experience. Don't listen to what she says. Pay attention to what she does. That is the bottom line. This applies to men too. Actions speak louder than words. If she's all over you, and you're still not sure what she wants. I know this will be hard but suck it up and grow some huevo's. KISS HER. If she's into you, she'll kiss you back. If she just wants to be friends, she'll turn her head. Either way, she'll respect you more and you have nothing to lose.


Good luck



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  • 4 weeks later...

its been a while since ive been here so ill recap.


we never got that cab. she was sick before she left home and never made it out. i finally did get the balls up to totally let her know how i felt.

that ended badly, we didnt speak for a solid 2months.

we're starting to talk again... but only today i found out that back on the nye when we almost got together and the time after that she had a boyfriend.


i feel deceived and i am questioning much of our past and all that we have done together

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