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Co.cky or sweet?

Josh G.

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I got a question, when your talking to a girl, do they like a co.cky attitude or a friendly, sweet one? Girls always say "Oh my God, a nice guy with a good heart turns me on" so I try that and nothing really happens, then my frined tells me, "be co.cky, joke around about them at their expence, works like charm", He demonstrates and suceeds. Im guessin the co.cky thing is good, but how far should I go, if a girl asks if i think she is pretty, should I just say something like, "hey, people are just staring at the pimple on your forehead (in a joking manor) or should I give in to be an wussy and sayin, "Ya, your so beautiful (not in a joking manor)......?



By the way i spelt co.cky the way it is becasue without the period, it wont let me post becasue its "profanity"

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I think the best way to answer this question would be to ask you what kind of girl you want. One with an attitude problem, or one who's going to be nice and sweet. If you transmit a bad attitude, thats the reaction you're going to get back from people. Girls like charm yes, but they like the brains and kindness behind it as well. Instead of having an attitude, try being just confident in yourself without the attitude. It's a much better approach.

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Don't be too co.cky -- you'll seem like a complete jerk. Try to mix them maybe, or pay yourself out aswell -- I know alot of people who say things like that (No, they're just staring at that big pimple on your head) and after a while you begin to wonder if they're serious or joking.

Like, if she asks you if you think she's pretty, say "Nah, people are just staring at the pimple on your forehead," but then add that you do think she's pretty after it.


The reason the 'nice guy' attitude doesn't work and the 'co.cky' one does is, I think, that teasing her and joking around and stuff will make her laugh, and guess what is on every girl's "perfect guy traits" list? "He must be able to make me laugh."

But if you over-do it you'll seem like a jerk, (don't listen to that bloody "girls only like jerks so you have to be a jerk" stereotype, because it isn't true) so if you act like a.. uh, 'nice jerk'? You should do well.


I hope that made some sort of sense to you. o_o

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i agree with the majority here, be c0cky and a little arrogant. But be funny about it. If they take it as an insult then i think it has gone to far. Being c0cky always gets them laughing though, gets them loose.


Being sweet might give off the impression that your a push over.


i've been the 'sweet' guy before.... it doesn't work.


being c0cky makes things a lot more fun for both of ya.

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