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Is my ex for real?

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Ok, I'm not going to go into any great deal with respect to the detail regarding my last contact with the ex as I've done that before...


However, in short, dated my ex for 5 years and split over 3 years ago. On two sporadic occasions since then she has contacted me unannounced confessing her love and her annoyance at me for whatever reason. All of which I've taken on board and let hurt me and she obviously knows this.


Anyway, it's been a month since I last contacted her in response to her poor handling of this situation and haven't heard a thing. The basic gist of the text was that 'it wouldn't hurt to give some sort of explanation for why she bothers me with this sh%t and then just plays it out like I don't even deserve a response'


Whatever, she is lonely, depressed, needy at the time I don't really care.


Other than any lingering questions of my lack of self respect you think I may have, I actually only ever try to do the right thing and seem to constantly be made to be the fool. Is this the price you pay for attempting to remain genuine to those you have loved and cared for dearly.


I'm really annoyed once again that she thinks that this sort of behaviour is acceptable particularly to the point that she clearly has so little respect that she can't give any sort of plausible explanation.


What actually possesses someone to bother an ex with this rubbish if there is no actual point to the contact?


I mean seriously, go drain some of your friends sweetheart.


I personally don't gain from these moments so I struggle to see how this can be beneficial to her other than maybe seeing that I'm still there of she wants. Seriously, if that ultimately is of no long term value to someone why bother.


Its like she operate like its 'a flick of a switch' with respect to affections of the heart.


Is it that I'm not normal? I find myself 2nd guessing myself in regard to these matters like I'm weird or something.


Have I just been unlucky in love and she probably has bipolar or some sort of personality disorder or is this how normal sane people handle relationships?


I only ask as I come from a dysfunctional family and this is the only serious relationship I've had. I don't really have a real life experience to compare.


Any feedback would be sweet.

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