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getting a girlfriend

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i've been going out together with a girl for a while, and i really like her and i know she likes me too, but we arent boyfriend/girlfriend. i just dont know how to ask her to be my girlfriend officially and we've been out 2gether and alone so much that if i just asked her on a date, it would be the same as when we normally go out. so i need to know how to just ask her how to be my girlfriend

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  • 3 months later...

Telling her you want to be my girlfriend would scream out LOOOSEERRR!!!.Seriously.


Just do it like they do in the movies(not the porn ones).Go to a romantic place,after a while compliment her,look in her eyes, start to move your mouth towards hers and if she wants to be with you she will instantally "suck" on your mouth.Thats about it.

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  • 6 months later...

There are two avenues you could take



1. Don't say anything to her at all but do Semi Romantic things like Go rollerblading and have a Picnic, Always have something sweet to give her and something sweeet to say about how good she looks to you. All the while never reveal your true feelings for her. Observe her Body Language towards how you treat her,this is the Important part. Body language says everything if she starts falling for you she'll automatically make plans with you on weekends and Holidays and she'll be eager to spend every moment with you because of how you make her feel. Otherwise if she's not interested she'll date other guys and string you along and even have the nerve to tell you about how her dates went and who she has a crush on,you'll eventually start being called her "best friend".


2. Have a very homely Evening where its just the two of you at one or the others house just chillin, Instigate some Drinking maybe smoke a little bit of marijuana to lighten each other up then just absentmindedly kiss her,stop,look into her eyes and then kiss her passionately.....Not that you want to but if she's interested she may take over if you know what I mean.




The thing is you already know she likes you and she's known for awhile your feelings for her,you both need to stop being the cowardly couple someone needs to grab someone to create a reaction.That reaction will either be good or bad but it will draw the line.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



I'm sorry...I forgot the moderators told me to sugar coat my advice! Oops! Sorry SwingFox!!


Anyway...y'all got some decent advice, but it's still way off target here. "Have something sweet to give her and something sweet to say?" Okay Willie Wonka!! Why don't you just hand her a Hershey bar with a Golden Ticket in it that says, "Congratulations! You're now my girlfriend!"


Have you kissed this girl? What is your definition of going out? Did mommy and daddy drive you or did you drive yourself? You're leaving too much information out for me to really target what you should do. But please...DON'T give this girl DRUGS or ALCOHOL!! Unless you are both over 21 (and I hope you are NOT cuz you sound very immature) giving this girl anything will get you arrested.


Here's the best thing I can tell you. First of all...if SHE doesn't call you her boyfriend...you are NOT. You don't get to dictate what your status is..she does. When you grow up in a few years, THEN you get to call the shots. But while you're still in High School, it's a woman's world.


Second of all...don't be a loser and ask her, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" That's just a sad state to be in.


Third and finally... just enjoy things the way they are!! What? Do you want to marry her and have babies with her? Are you picking out your tux already? Chill man. Go with it. You don't need a title such as "boyfriend and girlfriend" to be with this girl. Just do couple things and you are a couple. Period.


Hope this helps

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