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tell me my problem!!!!! :-(


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Hey every1, i have submitted many posts on my problem, but none of them have actually helped me majorly. Now my problem seems so weird that i am confused half da time. I am just soooooooo shy around this girl i like


I dunno, she seems shy too but she doesnt act like it. I have had her in my college all last year and 3 weeks of going college this year. She even goes to the same bus stop as me!!! I just can't figure out wat or how do i just talk to her. I don't wanna ask her out straight away, i wanna know her a bit first and then think about it.


I am planning to talk to her at the bus stop after college coz most of da time i dont even see her in college, even i do see her she is with her 1 friend. so ppl wat do i talk about? Even if i do see her at the bus stop i do something stupid like look away and not give her any attention. she doesnt do any of my subjects (atleast i dont think so) so help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!


Thx in advance

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Smiling at her seems daft? Are YOU daft? Would you rather scowl at her, or take pains to not look at her (also known as ignoring)? People do not smile at each other enough.


Why not come up to her at the bus stop one day and say, "You don't know how glad I am to see you! I thought I was going to miss the bus!" It shows you've noticed her previously and you're having or about to have an eventul day (which you can either go on to describe, if asked, or ask her if her day has also been crazy).


Say anything. Get a reaction.

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I TOTALLY agree with lusitana, DAFT!?! :shocked!:

I've never had a guy who was attracted to me come up to me and NOT smile. That's like saying her face doesn't make you happy. In the past, how have you approached other girls you've liked? Have you been using the macho act or the you-look-like-a-piece-of-meat-and-I'm-hungry look? Because those techniques don't work for everyone. He*l, it could be down right annoying. How is she supposed to figure out you like her if you don't show some expression? If you don't even look friendly she's less likely to carry on a conversation with you unless you're the drop dead gorgeous model-type and she's the last woman on earth.

Now i'm beginning to understand why everyone else's advice didn't work.

You have to be willing to try something new instead of shooting down ideas.

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