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How often do people tell you about your ex?


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We broke up almost 3 weeks ago and still when I met people (my university friends, my dormitory floormates, my friends, friends of the friends, etc) they always say something like that:


- Oh, I saw your ex in "X" pub last Friday

- So I was at the party and there was your ex. He was flirting with some new girl.

- I met your ex last weekend and he drove his friends home. There was one girl in the car too.

- I was shopping today and saw your ex at the counter. He was buying a vacuum cleaner.

- I heard that your ex found a new girlfriend. Or maybe she was just a one night stand, I'm not sure.

- Today I'm going to club with friends. Your ex will go together with us. But hey wait, I heard you're already with the new guy, right?


It's obvious that my ex is moving on. And it's obvious that my friends are trying to be friendly by keeping me informed about my ex life. Who wouldn't be interested? But it also hurts, and you can't just tell the people shut up. It wouldn't be nice. Moreover, I don't like when they see me with some random friendly guy (who tends to be just friend) and create some imaginary story about our "romance" (when he just came to drink coffee and to talk to me). This weekend I'm thinking to take one guy to dance to a club with my friends, but he's just a friend and I'm afraid that those people will talk imaginary stories for my ex too.

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And it's obvious that my friends are trying to be friendly by keeping me informed about my ex life. Who wouldn't be interested? But it also hurts, and you can't just tell the people shut up. It wouldn't be nice.


Ha, I can't rationalize that #### like you can. To me, there is no friendliness for telling me about my ex. WHO wants to know about the guy they're MOVING ON FROM? Nobody!


Hahaha, you're too nice. "You can't tell people to shut up. It wouldn't be nice." If saying shut up offends you, then say it a more gentle tone But the message has got to be the same: that you dont give two s#### to hear about him.


That's how I think about it.


In the beginning, it annoyed me to hell to hear about my ex, but fortunately I had already moved away, so it wasn't as much of a problem for me. HE, on the other hand, poor guy, he had to return to our school and talk to all of our mutual friends and teachers, and THEY kept reminding him about me. LOL. Oh well, it's a problem we all go through post-break up.

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Personally, I find it really cruel that they keep bringing your ex up I would be frustrated! Yes, sometimes you are eager to know what your ex is up to but is it really necessary for your friends to keep notifying you of his life events? It often just makes the pain of the situation resurface. If that were me, I would probably tell my friends straight out. "Look, I know you guys love and care about me but is it okay if we just don't mention my ex? Our relationship is over and I'm really not interested in what he is doing."

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