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Ok I posted on here before about my ex..anyway the thing is he's been acting very confusing. I contacted him after 6 months of NC. The reason I missed him and wanted to talk to him. I live in another province now, but I just thought talking to him would help me miss him less. I asked him if he wanted to talk, and he said sure that there was no problem or anger on his end. So I added him again and we started talking. First it was like why did you add me again. I told him I missed him and I asked if we could at least be friends. He will ask me something like " SO you want me?" and then I answer and ask him something and he doesn't answer. The he pops up with " I should have made love to you" out of the blue when the day before he seemed like he was annoyed. Then he asks me if I want him back ( which he knows is impossible because we live far away from eachother) then he asks why I contacted him after 6 months when I wouldn't talk to him before...and acts mad about it. Now his MSN nickname is..." It takes a special girl to hold me down"?? I am soo confused..from a guy's point of view what does this mean?? What is he trying to say? He said " I guess we were made for eachother" at one point as well..? Any opinions or perceptions would help me at this point...Anyone have a clue?

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Wow that seems really confusing......I can see why you feel that way, well maybe you should ask him whats up? cut the games, get to the point. and this may sound like a mean thing to say, but maybe hes horny or something stupid, guys are a-holes like that. Figured i would throw it out, sometimes guys say stupid things in that state, uh, not saying its that, just throwing out the idea. Well maybe hes having some of the same thoughts as you, or maybe he misses you also, who knows, i guess the only thing you can do is ask.

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You should tell him to CUT THE GAMES???



No Ill tell you something. From your post, it looks like you ended the relationship? Then NC for 6 months?? He has a right to be mad. And to be honest its the same mistage I made with my ex...I didn't make love to mine...


He deserves your love. If you want him back, ask him.

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I would like to thank you guys for your replies. I still am confused about what that means, his nickname? I have messaged him in the last 2 days and he still hasn't bothered to answer or even acknoledge me so I don't know what to do...my heart just aches inside and it's hard somedays I just want to cry because I miss him so much and everthing I do I think of him, he's constantly on my mind. Is it normal to be keeping hope in a situation like this? We are separated by 3 provinces, and long distance relationships don't work so it this doomed?


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