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Single men and Women in Their late 30's, What is the dating world like?


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Hey guys,


Want some advice and input from people with direct experience here!


What is the dating scene like when you are in your late 30's and early 40's? Is it harder or easier to meet potential dates? How are women/men different in wanting to be approached then in their early 20's?


And for men, what kind of response do you get from women? When you are in your late 30's/early 40's, what age range of women can you usually court?



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It is the best timing ever!

I get to deal only with mature people who knows what they want or not.

Well,not exactly everybody but you get my point.

There is nothing like a mature woman,NOTHING!

Dated last weekend 2 women of 24 and 23 years old and noticed the difference,although they make you feel younger- libido stuff

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I'm 33 yrs old and I am in a long term relationship with my boyfriend ( 5 years now ). However, I have a lot of friends in their 30s who are very active in the dating world. It's different though with professionals who are doing very well for themselves. Most of them are in their late 20s or just have turned 30. They have the world lapping at their feet and having a great time. If anything, they actually WANT to remain single.


The men : They have tons of women at their feet...and why not? They're young, established in their careers abroad, traveling a fair bit, able to volunteer for NGOs on their spare time etc. They meet women from all over the world and get to work with females from their own countries.


The women : Same deal. Most of the women are professionals ( finance, business owners, doctors, laywers, professors ) so they are having a blast. Singledom suits them fine and they have no problem getting men ( mostly men in their late 20s ).

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Find it a helluva lot harder in 30's as I did late 20's early 30's! Guy's are so fickle, flakey, and generally bit full on too much which I find a bit fake!!


Yes I agree - lots of future fakers and guys that think the GIG so after one day, they try with others instead of thinking, hey she & I had a great time, lets see what happens. Candy shop syndrome.

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Like looking for a needle in a haystack over here.


My problem is a appear and sound a lot younger than I look so I end up getting the interest of much younger females in their early 20's who then go all flaky once they find out I am in my early 30's.

Sometimes I even get female much much younger who are interested : /

Women my age just see me as a young boy regardless of how much I have tried to look older.

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Like looking for a needle in a haystack over here.


My problem is a appear and sound a lot younger than I look so I end up getting the interest of much younger females in their early 20's who then go all flaky once they find out I am in my early 30's.

Sometimes I even get female much much younger who are interested : /

Women my age just see me as a young boy regardless of how much I have tried to look older.


I have this issue as a woman, i look like I am in my early twenties (especially when i dress down) and i attract a lot of younger men who are still a bit immature, and much much older men. I never get asked out by guys my own age. I don't really know why, but I really would like to date a mature established guy in his early thirties.

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I have this issue as a woman, i look like I am in my early twenties (especially when i dress down) and i attract a lot of younger men who are still a bit immature, and much much older men. I never get asked out by guys my own age. I don't really know why, but I really would like to date a mature established guy in his early thirties.




What is your definition of mature and established?

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I stopped dating 6 years ago in my late 30s (my husband also was in his late 30s). I found it easier to meet quality people in my mid 30s and beyond because I had more self confidence and far better hair products as I've mentioned before. It did feel more pressured because of the ticking clock. I was so lucky to meet the right person and get to have a family with him. I can't believe it because the dating scene was hard -took a lot of time, effort and a positive mindset.

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