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freshmen boys minds.....


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Is it true that all guys think about is sex? freshmen boys....like 15 year olds? I mean, do guys even just like girls just because of her personality, or is it always, or the majority of the time because she has big boobs or they think they can get somthing from her? I know about girls, cause I am one, a lot of them care about there personality and stuff, but I know a lot of guys just like, or go out with girls just to see if they can get something from them, or just because of her body....is this true?

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lol I have to say that I'm interested in how the girl looks, but also in her personality. And when I'm in a relationt I don't think about sex. I will usually look at a girl and see what is her personality, how she reacts to surtain things and times, and I'm giving too much information about me.


-So I don't go for a girl just for the sex

-I try to get to know her better

-I try to descrive her, see how she is.

-And looks is also important but not as much as love

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I believe most guys want a relationship but are too mascline too admit. 15 year old boys are going to think about sex all the time because, well, they are 15. But you will eventually find a cool guy that will be there for you, who actually cares about you. When your looking for this guy be careful though, because theres alot of trash out there.



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I think that honestly, a guy is looking for someone that will be nice and care about them. The guys that are just out for a good time are there and there are always going to be girls that are willing to have a good time too.


I think to be totally happy -- you need to find both. You need to find a friendship in a guy that you are attracted to and can like as an equal.


It seems in the competitive world...we must give up being competitive to really love and be loved.

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Ok, I think that the majority does think about sex only like at that age... but the older they get, some of them will change, so don't worry... I mean, even when you're in college there will still be guys like those, but the older we get, the more guys who aren't that way you'll see... The relationship game is hard, but don't worry, since I bet you're a normal person, you'll someday find what you're looking for.

Best wishes,


Elephant Man.

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What I am about to say does NOT relate to other boys. I'm very different from most 15 year old boys my age (I'm pretty sensitive, I actually like chick-flicks, etc). For me, sure, I think about sex a lot, what 15 year old boy doesn't? But when I'm asking a girl out (even though that never happens, haha), I'm not thinking about sex. I'm thinking about spending time together, and non-sexual physical contact with her. I'm thinking of her personality and intelligence (and I have pretty high standards for intelligence). Sex is kind of an afterthought. Sure, I'd like to have it, but there are other things I want to do. Like just being able to kiss. Sex really is the last thing on my mind when thinking about someone I love.

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Yeah I was 15 a year ago, so I can sorta give you some insight. Most guys think about sex all the time, but for me personally, I didn't. Of course you're going to think about it, but as far as getting a girlfriend and dating, it was seriously one of the last things I thought about. True most guys are pervs, but for me I didn't really think much about it. Looks and personality are usually on the top of the list.



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Anything with the male genitalia between the ages of 15 to 25 wants sex! lol. Now, don't get me wrong. Just b/c they think about it every 2-3 minutes does not mean it is their first priority. (How that can be I don't know. I guess that makes breathing their first real priority. ) Anyways, basically what I'm trying to say is boys will be boys and they will salivate over sex, but if you're lucky you'll find one who can do that and respect you at the same time.

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When I was around that age I thought about sex a lot, but since I had never experienced it I didn't exactly know what to expect. When I got my first teenage girlfriend I honestly didn't think about having sex with her until we got closer physically. In fact, I didn't even masturbate for a solid 2 weeks because I just didn't have the desire to (that to me was quite strange at the time...).


Guys seem to rush into having sex because they feel pressured and/or obligated to, but many times neither the boy or girl is ready mentally. Thats what happened to me, but I was lucky to have come away without any STDs or children. Sex was always on my mind because of hormones but I was in no way ready to deal with the responsibilties that came with it.

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Well I know alot of 15 year old boys think about sex alot, but I know alot of girls who do the same. I know some girls that don't want a relationship at all and just want a guy for sex who are between 14-16. I, personally think about sex more than most girls my age do. But...oh well. I think it differs from guy to guy.




I really like your icon!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Is it true that all guys think about is sex? freshmen boys....like 15 year olds? I mean, do guys even just like girls just because of her personality, or is it always, or the majority of the time because she has big boobs or they think they can get somthing from her? I know about girls, cause I am one, a lot of them care about there personality and stuff, but I know a lot of guys just like, or go out with girls just to see if they can get something from them, or just because of her body....is this true?


I don't know any guy that likes (in a nonfriend way) a girl solely because of her personality. I have met girls with great personalities that were kind of manly looking. I just was not attracted to them and all the sense of humor, interesting conversation in the world could not make up for them reminding me of guy friends (which is a mean thing to say I realize but I seriously did not know this one girl was a girl until I saw her walk in to the woman's restroom )


That said, you should not think that guys don't care about personality, we do, it is important. When I think back about the girls I had the biggest crushes on in High School and even in College, they were not beautiful girls. They were all cute (maybe...maybe pretty) but they had great personalities and some quality I can't put my finger on. In fact, the girl I had the biggest crush on (this forum helped me out a lot with her) was a "cute girl". Just after I met her, I met this other girl in my class who was drop dead gorgeous (close to perfect 10 on looks). Within two weeks, I never even thought about the other girl, to me the "cute girl" was 100 times more attractive. Yes, sex is always on guys minds but funnily enough, with this one girl, I didn't really think about it as much as I did with other girls. I thought about holding her or kissing her but not sex. It is actually kind of weird (the guy that mentioned that he didn't masterbate when he met his girl friend for a couple of weeks might identify with this).


Any guy who says looks do not matter is lying, they do, it is just a question of how much (to me it is about 40-50% of the overall picture, for most guys it is probably around 50-60%)


Any guy who says they don't care about personality is also lying.


Oh regarding boob size, ,I really find it does not matter though I do like proportioned girls with the "meaty" look. When you hug a girl you don't want to feel like you are going to crush her.


The best thing a girl can do is smile a lot. It always gets my attention



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