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Feeling tired all the time.

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I have felt so exhausted and achy for about 2 weeks. I have been under a tremedous amount of stress. I believe that my symtoms have been caused by this stress and I was wondering if anyone knew of any natural herbs or vitamins that could help. Plus I suffer from anxiety and I was also wonder if anyone knew of a supplment that I could take for the anxiety but that would also give me energy.


thanks for any advice.

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Hi eve,


I kind of know how you feel since I also work in a very stressful job. There is no 'cure' as such for stress, though there are ways of feeling less stressed.


Learning relaxation techniques and ways of avoiding stress will help you to cope with stress when it is affecting your daily living.


The only real 'cure' for stress is to remove from your life the factor that is causing your stress. If it's a relationship problem, the first step should be to talk it through with your partner. If it's a work problem, you should consider discussing it with your colleagues or manager.


Have you tried talking to your doctor who may recommend medications, but these do not offer effective, long-term stress management. As for any natural remedies all I can suggest is to make time for yourself, take a form of daily physical excercise and take a good multivitamin suppliment.


good luck

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Exercise exercise exercise!


Try doing some exercise every other day for about 30 min to start. Do it consistantly and at the end of the week tell us how you feel.


As another poster mentioned iron may help, but I think also going in and seeing your doctor would as well. Sometimes tiredness is an indication of another issue.

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Umm... I could say mabey you eat too much carbohydrates. (Sorry for the bad spelling) You know... every food makes its own chemicals that are sent to the brain. Carbohydrates such as -breads, pastas, and potatoes will make the chemical caled tryptophan.

In all of these I'm traying to say that eating too much carbohydrates first is not very good. It will slows your reaction time, impairs concentration, makes you sleepy, and reduces the need to be in control. The brain uses tyrosine (which is found in foods such as meats) to make the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, two electrically charged chemical messengers that are crucial to quick thinking, fast reactions, long-term memory, and a feeling of being alert and in control.

So umm... if you drink too much coffe (more than a little cup) that will also put you stress. Also, stress comes when you are trying to do too many things at the same time. Also some drugs may not be very good for your brain and neather is alcohol. Umm... I'm not saying that you drink, I don't know, but just so you know.

I didn't keep typing because It may be too much I don't know. If you have more question you could pm me and I could give you more information. Take care

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Stress releases cortisol which is catabolic and makes you feel weak... besides if you don't eat well and don't sleep, you will get very tired. I might suggest that you balance your diet and try relaxation techniques to see if you start feeling better.


In your breakfast include a multivitamin/mineral.

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