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Should I make a follow-up call NOW, or wait?

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Last Thursday I had an interview for an office assistant position at a doctor's office. I thought it went well, even though it was short. Usually when they're really long, I find I don't get hired and I do get hired if they aren't long - I know this probably isn't always the case, but just my personal experience. Anyway, I gave them my references even though they didn't seem to care that much if they had them or not. I just got a positive vibe from the whole thing, unlike a terrible interview I had a few months ago from which I didn't get hired. I'm not sure though if they actually liked me, or were just nice people.


Anyway, they said they would call me either way (if I got the job or not) the next week. I think they said the next week, anyhow, but honestly I was sort of nervous and don't remember exactly what they said. It's almost Friday and I haven't heard anything. My Dad said I should call THEM if I don't hear from them by tomorrow, and I'm thinking that is right, but as I mentioned I'm not positive that they said this week or just soon. I was thinking of waiting until next week, but should I call them tomorrow? I know the answer is probably yes, but I just hate feeling like a bother if they're still conducting interviews and don't even know yet.

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You may do follow up, one call each week. Follow up not only shows interest, but also your ability to keep track of ongoing issues. Do not call more than once a week, for it would be felt like "pushy spam".


Also, you may like to watch videos on "personal branding" in Youtube. They may help you a lot.

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I once got a job as a sales rep with no experience by showing up everyday even when I wasn't asked. I showed up ready to work while being completely polite and respectful.


In the professional world that kind of tenacity, enthusiasm and forward momentum does not go unnoticed. Do as your Father says he would not have told you if he didn't have a good experience to relate. Ask him, I bet he does.

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