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i have a friend that i really like, and it seems like she likes me she gives me signs that she does like me such as she makes eye contact with me the whole time we are talking and she is always talking about kissing and making out. she also asks me if i want to hang out with mer everday alone. when we are alone we walk aroud and talk about things and everyday in class i see her looking at me and when i look at her she smiles at me and she will lay her head on me at times as well. i don't know if these indicate that she likes me but they seem like she does. what do you think? also i was wondering if there are any ways i can flirt with her so she will get the idea that i like her. any suggestions?



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Well... you could do something simple. When you two are in class and she is looking at you and smiling, look at her close eye and than open it (man!!! I forgot how that is called. Sheesh thats sorry. ) You could also trow her a smal kiss than smile and look away.

Another thing you could do is when she is putting her head on your shoulder or something, put your arm alround her weit and just keep up the talking or something as if there is nothing new.

If you like her this things should be not a big deal for you. Since you know she likes you and all this stuff she is doing is a sign that she does... that I think you should be more confident than being with an extranger.

I hope I helped a bit. Take care 8)

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thats actually a decent idea. You could also just ask her what her intentions are. sometimes honesty is the best thing. Pretending to be someone your not really just holds you back from growing up. So i would just risk it and talk to her about whats on your mind. Just think whats the worst that could happen and then think what is the absolute best thing that could happen and focus on that.

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you should always think about what the consequences of a situation could be before making a decsion. That my friend it common sense. Not to be rude, but not thinking about bad things that could happen when making a decsion is why people make soo many mistakes. I was simply telling him/her that they should look at the pros and cons before making a decsion life that. Sometimes we don't know what we want we have to think about that at times. Looking at a worse possible senario is a part of the thinking process, even if you want something you should still think about it before going after it.

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Well... I didn't say DON'T look at the bad sides of things EVER. And it is true that people make many mistakes because of this. I was just telling him this because of this particular subject. For him to get more confidence towards what he is going to do. And I'll bet he has thought of what could had happened before anyways...

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