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Gut feeling


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I was just interested to know if anyone's gut feeling has ever let them down?


I tend to follow my gut on things and it is usually for the best but once or twice my gut feeling has been so wrong and recently i have made a decision following my gut and now worrying that it may turn around and bite me on the bum

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gut needs to confirm. agree w previous post that head, heart need to play a part, but gut needs to confirm. its hard to say 100%, but i cant recall gut letting me down once.

good luck.

are you Christian? have you tried praying about it?

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well surprise surprise my gut feeling has let me down again. Background: I started seeing a guy a few months ago and thought it was going well. A few weeks ago a guy I was seeing before that got back in touch wanting to try again, i did really like him but things kind of fizzled. I said to him that I had met someone else and that I wanted to give things a go with him. Heres what happened tonight with the new guy....




so freakin typical!!!

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Because sometimes what seems like a gut feeling really isn't. Especially if you're feeling vulnerable you can mistake other feelings for "gut" feelings. I read a really good article (I think it was a book excerpt) on telling the difference. It was in O Magazine probably last year.

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I think the gut knows more than you think it does. I have ignored my gut a few times over the past year, rationalizing it by saying "I'm just going to see if i can get to know her...". Turns out the doubts I had were correct.


Gut feelings are difficult to follow if it's something you think you really want. I think the key is to sit back and ask yourself if you had to make a "yes" or "no" decision (that simple), which would it be? The answer is your gut feeling and it should be followed. No rationalizing. No "buts".

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It's not your gut feeling letting you down, it's your ego. Too many people confuse the two. Gut feelings tend to be straight up, first thing that comes to mind kind of answers. Where as the ego will say 'what if' or be the opposite. The ego will question the gut's answer.

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