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When to marry her

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My problem is both me and my gf both love each other beyond the expression of words. we have been together nearly a year and being that i am in my senior year of college and i am seeing my friends get engaged i am starting to want to remain with the this young woman forever. The issue is that she was engaged before to a young man that claimed to love her and treated her good but only got engaged to her to sleep with her and in order to have a trophy wife. Well after that blew up nearly a year and 3mnths ago, she has seeming been afraid to enter into anytype of engagement... I am lost as to what to think or feel or do

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In my opinion, DON'T spring any surprises on her!!!! I would suggest you get the channels of communication open, and discuss your relationship with her, what her expectations is, if she loves you, and would like to grow old with you one day, etc.


Also talk about trust what you both want out of life. Once that is established you will have a better feel for where she is in her life as far as comitment goes. Then my friend, you have to have patience. You are still young, and not together that long (I know it feels like you know her forever doesn't it? )


Wanting to get married to somoene is a very big step, and one not to be taken lightly. Do some soulsearching of your own and make sure you don't suddenly feel this way becouse it is happening around you (group pressure) If you don't act hastilly, you might still be the lucky one with an intact happy relationship, while the others got married, and is devorcing (if you look at statistics nowadays) already!


Good luck!

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those seem like good ideas. Seriously of the 32 women i have seen, dated etc. She has shown me alone the precious gift of what it is to have true love. My relationship with her is so good and so much part of who i am and a source of goodness in my life, i guess its like having found the most perfect thing in the world, surely you wouldn't ever want to give that up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

definitely wonderful that you feel that way. I have also found a really great friend in my relationship, and we have talked about marriage. We're moving to Europe together next summer and it feels incredible. But like your girlfriend prior to this relationship I was also promised much love and respect and so many wonderful promises that never happened and i was heartbroken. Its definitely trust issues, which is sad because a lot of women don't trust men for the simple reason that THEY'RE MEN. If she really loves you she'll be willing to risk her heart again and when you prove to her that you will treasure it forever, then you'll have healed a wonderful part of her soul. definitely explain to her how you feel, and I'm sure she'll say yes!

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