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Should I call a hiring manager if they didn't call like they said?


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I applied for a job on the 6th of this month. In the posting it stated that if they are interested they would give you a call for a phone screening, then if you pass you will need to come in for an in person interview. On the 8th I received an email from one of the doctors saying she would call me that afternoon for the phone screening. So I waited, and waited, and waited but never got the call. It is now the 13th and I'm wondering if I should call the office myself, or just wait?


This business is located in a big city and has multiple locations within that city. I only have the persons first name who sent the email to me. Not sure if I should call all the locations until I reach the person or what. I know how doctor's offices can get busy, but I don't want to keep waiting.



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