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Have been going through a really tough break up with an emotionally and verbally abusive man. Throughout our relationship he was very loving, sweet, talked of marriage, kids etc We had a real spark and connection. Always said we were forever and each others 'one'. He then got abusive in last few months and post BU (4 months ago) he would still contact me (even tho he ended it), playing mind games, giving me mixed signals, being nasty, nice and then nasty again, really messing with my head. Acting like he doesnt care but then doing something odd to show he does. Havent heard much from him recently, been 3 days without him contacting me, so feel like he has now moved on and doesnt seem to think of much me - almost like I was nothing. I hate how I was so easy to get over. Im so confused and messed up. Altho I knew it was an unhealthy relationship, I never thought it would end.


I just wanted to hear from people who have been through a similar experience. I cant let him go and move on, despite how cruel he was to me, I miss him and love him terribly. I constantly think of him and am becoming quite depressed. I have been out with friends and work has been good. Keeping busy, but he is always on my mind. He was the love of my life and I feel lost without him. I really hate what he has done to me.


I need to hear some success stories to make me see I wont always feel so sad

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I have been where you are and as i read your post i really felt your pain.

I was with a man and it was an intense relationship and we broke up in 2008. He also was abusive and a mind player. He'd do all sorts of things the same way your ex did...being nice and and nasty and just being all over the place. He would threaten me, then call to apologise. Stalk me and everything else you can imagine. Even a year after we broke up he tried to get in touch to see how i am. Even one night left 2 messages on my voice mail congratualting me on getting engaged (which i didnt) was just another one of his manipulation techniques. It's called manipulation as he wants to mess with your mind. At the time i couldn't see it as i was so in love with him. Took me a very long time to get over him completely...3 years in fact until i stopped loving him and moved on and it's only now that i look back and see what a mess he was and our relationship and how could there be any hope of happiness with someone who is so messed up.


You deserve much better, it will take a long time to get over him and forget him but time does heal but it does take forever. I found out not long ago he got married and i didnt even flinch, didnt mean a thing to me, all i could think of is how sorry i feel for this girl and what she will go through with him and how lucky i feel to have had the strength to break free from him.


You will get there hun, takes time and a lot of strength and support. It's about learning to love yourself and realising how much more you deserve.

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I Just got out of an unhealthy on again off again abusive relationship. I didnt post here for over a week because I kept posting we were broken up than Id get sucked back in & post that I took him back & the abuse started over & over again. Not this time, this time something in me finally has had enough. I finally called it off for good (vs his dumping me weekly & telling me its what i wanted since i trigger his anger. u have to get to that place. Once u get to that point, u will let go for good like me.

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