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new guy and nervousness


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It's not silly. I think most people get nervous before a first date. Here are a few ideas:

1) Tell him you're always nervous on first dates. That way, it's out in the open which might make you feel more at ease.

2) Think about how you'd judge your date if he were nervous. Like most people, you'd probably be very understanding because you know most people get nervous on a first date. He should be just as understanding. If he's not, well, you probably don't want to date him.

3) Make a mental list of things to talk about, in case there is awkward silence. I think, being prepared will make you feel less nervous.

4) Burn away your adrenaline by jogging before the date. Jog until you can't jog no more. Make sure you shower after

5) If you've been on lots of first dates and they went well, remind yourself of how well they went. Why should this one be any different?


Good luck

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