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past insecurities coming back to haunt me!


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You should express how you feel, as long as you are respectful. That's communication. He on the other hand is not a gentleman for calling you pathetic. He probably does not see that it goes way beyond that text message, it's about his attitude. In a true partnership, your problem is his problem, one cannot be happy unless the other one is too. But this guy just wanted you to shut up. Why should you take that? You are young, no children with him right? And you don't depend on him financially.

There are guys out there who will treat you with respect. Even the most macho insensitive guy can have a caring soft side if he loves you. Even if you are worried for nothing, a good man will be supportive and work on it with you. As long as you don't bash him like he's a criminal, he should hear you out, instead of just saying "get over it". There is no love without respect and understanding. And if there's no love, you haven't lost much in breaking up with him.

Once he has crossed certain boundaries it is hard to continue anyway. For example the physical imtimacy, how can you be intimate with a man who thinks you're pathetic?

I'm sure there are many nice young men on campus. There is someone who will treasure you.

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i think i might actually be the jerk and not him... i mean yes the fact that he does not communicate with me is annoying ,but how can he when i pretty much create problems when there is no need to.

i have been so emotional lately, i mean he does put me down , but how can someone love you or treat you right when you make it impossible for them to?


i expect and want more, to often, too much. i think that is the whole reason why he does not care anymore..


he was such a different person, he use to make me really happy, we were inseprable for over a year... i think i have just been craving for a glimpse of what it was...


my desire for him to love me and want me has pushed him away even further and i think it has led to the breakdown of our relationship.



these last few months we have been seeing eachother less and less, when we do see eachother we don't laugh or relax, its just filled with anger and tension... i knew that our relationship was falling apart slowly, so i was trying to hold on to him as much as i could. i think knowing this made me more insecure and emotional..


i suppose this is my way of giving up, of just letting him go. because i truly have not been myself these last few months, i can't remember the last time i laughed or just enjoyed life. i was caught up in the idea of getting him to want me again and in the process i lost myself. i use to be so happy, fun and outgoing, and i had an amazing group of friends now all i have is me. I WANT TO GET MY LIFE BACK, I WANT THE TRUE ME BACK!!

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