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Approachable conversation tips like "breaking the ice&q


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Sorry i know there has been plenty posts like this before but i just want to know what u guys think i should do to start it since u know how i am some of u already talked with outlaw and ated about it on msn but i would also like to get some tips from u fine great people! on this matter .Since im basiclaly a newbie with girls i would like to know some conversation starters to get to talk to this girl i like.Dont worry i dont waste my time on those really pretty mean girls.The girl im going for is the one like said one of those shy prolly never had a bf in her life girls kind of as too me the never had a gf guy new to this crap we call life but i shouldnt judge she might not be but she doesnt seem way to social.Shes attractive to me like really pretty and all but shes that type of girl that other guys dont think r that attractive although i think she is really pretty.Those types of girls are "gold" as long as they have a good persoanlity because im mostly the only guy going for her maybe since all other guys r too shallow.So i shouldnt have too many other a holes going for her what do u guys think?

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Do you have any classes with her?


If not, I dont really know how you could approach her, maybe like.. randomly say g'day when you pass her, or something XD LoL i'm pathetic. Don't worry about it -- if you make the effort to talk to her alot, it will be noticed, believe me. Erm, anyway, moving on..


but if you do...

ask her about something in the class, if she's going on the excursion that's coming up/what she thinks of the teacher/can she help you with this/etc etc, just something you can't really give a yes/no answer to.


Theres this guy in a few of my classes who I like, and even though i'm really shy around guys, he always manages to get me to start a conversation with him by him singing.... really badly. XDDD. It always makes me get the giggles and then I tell him he should try out for the next Australian Idol and we sort of joke around and start from there. Anyway, what i'm trying to say is that doing something silly like that will 1) get her attention 2) Make her laugh, (which is a good thing) unless she's a real stuffy killjoy-omg-everyone-is-so-immature person who doesn't laugh and 3) get her to start talking to you (which, if you're shy, is very good ). Obviously, it depends on what class.. you can't really start singing "I believe I can fly, high in the sky!!" during a quiet maths period, but in the dark-room during Photography, its fine.. hmm.

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Ya shes in my german 2 class but she stays outside doing german 4(could of been in 4 but i slacked over the course of high school).Maybe i can ask her to help me with something but there is the teacher and the aid in my class iono it would be kind of akward.Ill just think of a way too approach her well or go by ur advice or others that come and ty for responding to my topic im happy that u replied and helped

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