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Can't concentrate. :(


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Okay, so this is a fairly new problem for me. I've always had some trouble paying attention in class when doing homework, but I developed a lot of coping mechanisms that allowed me to be a really good worker and get a lot done. I excelled all through high school and college, and last semester (my first semester in grad school), there were multiple days a week when I would be busy from 6:00am to 8:00pm and be busy the whole time. But this semester, I'm having serious trouble concentrating, to an extent that I didn't even know was possible. I have trouble reading even two pages without getting distracted. Everything I do I literally have to force myself to do. Heck, I got distracted two pages into this post and put some clothes away before coming back to it. This just so isn't like me... I don't know how to help myself. I need to be able to sit down and read for two to three hours straight without wanting to scratch my eyes out-- at this point, I'd even be happy with wanting to scratch my eyes out as long as I could still force myself to do it!



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Welcome to my world. If you figure this one out please let me know. I'm subscribing to this thread!


Ha ha... I hope I can figure this out! It sucks so much to need to sit down and work and simply be unable to!


Meow, I do exercise regularly... at this point, I think adding yoga or something that I don't enjoy into my routine would simply cause me more stress, but I exercise at least 30 minutes a day, and it does help-- I can't imagine what it'd be like if I didn't! I should probably get my blood work done. I've had small health issues in the past (hypothyroidism and anemia) that seemed to have gone away when I was tested again, but who knows if they've popped back up again.


Does anyone know of any good natural concentration aids?

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