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My first love *please help*


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I went out with my gf starting mid july , everything was weird because we were originally best friends, but it got better. The only amount of physical contact we had was in a pool when I held her and she swam on my back, we went there alot . We talked but we never had any real physical contact, because I was too afriad I would get rejected . I left for vacation and she was real sad....but when I came back she had started her conditioning at school for field hockey and was always tired, so she didn't seem too excited when I came back. I started not going to her house because she was stressed, and I never called her because she lived too close to me so I figured If I need to talk to her, better in person, I don't even have her phone number . Our contact started dropping to a point where I wouldn't see her for days. Now that school's up she has all college level class's and field hockey everyday so I can hardly spend time with her at all. I ignore her when I see her because I'm afraid to talk to her.....my best friend moved and it hurt me, still does, so I wasn't as confident as I used to be. Other guys flirt with her alot and she smiles and laughs......but she always seems to never want my attention. I miss how it used to be and I cry everyday , I'm afraid to loose her and I love her so much. She was my first gf because she was so special and now I might loose her, I try to talk to her but she always is too busy. I think that I'm stressing her out and that if I break up with her then someone else will make her happy, but I don't want to......I wish I had a time machine so I could go back in time and fix my mistakes.....I don't know what I did wrong and I'm afraid........I just wish things were right please help. Thanks everyone

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hang in there mate,


sounds like u need to gather up that courage you lost over time and go visit her.. have a good long talk to her and bring things back to the way they used to be.


by you not visiting or talking to her anywhere near as much as you used to , she probably thinks youve lost interest in her and arent interested anymore. you need to talk to her and let her know how you feel asap before you lose her.

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Hi Sniper,


I agree, you should try to keep up the effort of going over to see her if possible. If she's busy, try to set up a time with her to hang out. Just show her you're still making an effort to be with her.


I have a quaestion as well, you sadi she's in college? How about you? At any rate i'm guessing you don't go the the same school as she does, do you still both live in the same area, or is distance creating another obstacle for your getting together? Just wondering, asit might help understand the situation better.


Best of luck to you,


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